
"Cards" are a type of navigation link with the added benefit that they have a short introduction or bit of information about the page a person is going to visit when they click on the card. 

Most often cards are used on the home (landing) page of a site to help people navigate from the home page to other pages within that specific website.

Cards are set up in such a way that they are housed in a folder apart from the page they are displayed on. This will always be a sub-folder called "Cards", as shown below. In the instance below the name of the page the cards are displayed on and the cards folder itself have the same name, but most often the name of the page the cards are displayed on will be different.

Cards are held in a sub folder ofthe page the cards are displayed on.  

There are two main version of the "Cards" content type as shown below. The first one uses text with a single link to a web page, the second can hold multiple links and text. 


Using "[Active] Card for general use - one link for card"

This card is formatted so that the whole card acts as a clickable link to a single web page. It can be an internal web page (in T4) or an external page. This card allows for plain text in the content area only. 

Land Page Cards

Name (required): The name you give this content type item. This is only seen in the back end of the system.

Image (required): This is the image that is placed at the top opf the card. This image must be formatted in landscape orientation and have a ratio of 2:1. This means the card should be twice as wide as it is high. A size of 500 pixels x 250 pixels is ideal. It's preferable to format the crad to this size before it is addded to the media library.

Card Title (required): This is the title at that is at the top of the conten box below the image.  

Card Text: Text that appeard in the body of the card. 

Section Link: The page that the card will link to. This link is an internal T4 page. 

External URL: URL of an external web pag that the card links to. 


Using "[Active] Card with Multiple Links (HTML)"

This card is formatted so that multiple links can be added to the content area of the card. 

Card with multiple links

Name (required): The name you give this content type item. This is only seen in the back end of the system.

Image (required): This is the image that is placed at the top opf the card. This image must be formatted in landscape orientation and have a ratio of 2:1. This means the card should be twice as wide as it is high. A size of 500 pixels x 250 pixels is ideal. It's preferable to format the crad to this size before it is addded to the media library.

Section Link: The page that the card image will link to. This link is an internal T4 page.

Card Title (required): This is the title at that is at the top of the conten box below the image.  

Card Text: Text that appeard in the body of the card. This can include multiple links to pages, email addresses or documents. 


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