I Can't See Updates!

Things to Consider

If you are not seeing the updates on the website after you have made changes there are a few things to check: 

  1. It takes up to an hour for the system to publish new updates to the live server after you complete a change.

  2. If you viewed a page before you made an update then most likely your browser has an old copy of it cached in your history. You will have to refresh your browser to load the most recent update. This can get a little tricky depending on your operating system and the browser you are using. The best advice is to do a Google search on your specific browser for the best way to do a "hard refresh" of a page in the browser. iPhones and Safari browsers are more problematic than others.

  3. Make sure you did not set the publish date to a point in the future. 

  4. Make sure you used the "Save an Approve" option, not "Save Changes", or "Save Draft". 

If, after checking all of these options the page has still not updated, you can submit a work ticket for someone on the web team to check into the issue. 

Work tickets can be submitted through an online form at this URL: 




When you submit a work ticket please take into account that the web team needs to know specific details for a work request to proceed smoothly. 

We need: 

  1. The URL of the page you are working on. Do not simply say "Our department contact page". This is not enough information, we need the actual URL address of the page you are referring to. 

  2. If your page is not updating then we need to know where on the page to look for the required changes. If we don't know what to look for then we can't help. As an example, if the contact name on a page has not updated then please let us know what the OLD contact information was, and what the NEW contact information should be. Then we can determine if the problem is a system problem or a browser refresh problem. 

  3. Remember, what may seem to be common knowledge to you would not necessarily be for us, so the more information you can provide us with the better and faster the request will go. 

Contact us

External Affairs Web Team