This is an example of an accordion item with a heading and the associated content. A question with it's answer would be another example.
One instance, or copy, of the accordion content type template is made up of a heading that shows on the page, an expansion/contraction arrow to the right that a user can use to open and close the content window, and the associated content within that window.
The next item down titled "Using the Accordion content type / template" is another example of one instance of an accordion content type template.
A web developer will have to set up the functionality of this content type to start with. Each page that will have an accordion content type on it will need this set-up done by a web developer for it.
Once the set-up is complete a user will be able to add and remove new items, questions or content from their pages.
Accordion items are all housed in a folder off the main page that the accordion shows up on. This folder is called "accordion items". It is in this folder that items are added and removed.
Shown below is a typical folder structure for an accordion.
Name (required): The name you give this content type item. This is only seen in the back end of the system. Special note! - the "Name" field MUST be only one word with NO spaces between words. If it is more than one word with spaces the accordion function will not work properly.
Title (required): This is the content that appears as the title of the accordion item. Typically this is the question that is answered in the body of the accordion.
Content: This is the main content that appears in the accordion. Typically the answer to a question. The content area can have images, links and downloadable files.
If you would like to add a headline, or text between accordion items, please see the instructions in the accordion item below.
To add a headline or text between accordion items all you have to do is use the "[Active] Accordion Headlines plus text/html" template. Use this template in the same folder as the other accordion items and simply place the headline in the place you would like it to appear on the web page.
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