When You First Open T4

To login to the T4 system, access this link and enter your login credentials: www.smu.ca/cms

When you first login to T4 your work screen will show the site structure of your site.

The underlying structure of the website is similar to how you may organize files and folders on your own computer. It begins with a root folder, which is often known as the "home page", and the rest of the site is then organized into logical folders and subfolders that are reflect the site’s navigation menu. In most cases each folder represents a page on the website. 

Some of the things you will see:

  • A "+" sign is followed by a folder icon, and then the "section" or webpage name.
  • The "+" button will open and close the site structure showing the pages within the main or "parent" folder. 
  • If the "folder" icon shows as an outline only, that particular page is hidden and will not show in the navigation of the site. If the folder icon is solid, then that page willl show up in the navigation when view on a live website.
  • The title next to the folder is also the title that shows in the navigation when people visit the site. 

Opening screen after login to T4


Below showing an open file structure with both outlined and solid folder icons. 

T4 Show file structure after login


90% of the controls you need to work on your website are located in the highlighted area below. 

T4 Work Area


Two other areas of use outside of the main work area are the TerminalFour logo at the top-left of the screen, and the Media Library access button located within the "Content" menu to the left of the screen. Both are shown highlighted below. 

The TerminalFour logo will always take you back to the main site navigation, and the Media Library will take you to the Media Library where files of various types are stored for use on the website. Such files can include Word, Excel, Images (.jpg, .gif, .png) etc. 

T4 work area 2


Next lesson - What you can do and what you can't do →

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