
Below are four examples of buttons, the colours they come in, and what you can do with them. 

  1. Red "New To SMU" button is an example of a section link. A button that links to another page within the Saint Mary's website in T4.
  2. Light Blue "Google Site" button is an example of a button linking to an external website outside of T4. 
  3. Grey "Email Me" button accesses an email address. 
  4. Dark blue "Download A File" button accesses a file in the media library to download. This colour is called "Sobey Blue".  

Using the button content type / template

Upon opening the Button content type you will see the options below: 

Button Content Type

Name (required): The name you give this content type item. This is only seen in the back end of the system. 

Button Colour: The default colour is Red. If you wish to change this colour, remove the red option and a drop down list will appear to give you a choice of four colours; bluebutton, greybutton, redbutton or sobeybluebutton.  

Button Text: This is the text that will appear inside the button. This should be short and concise. 

**These first three options (Name, Button Colour and Button Text) should all be filled in and not left blank. 

You should only use one of the next four options; Section Link, External Link, EmailLink or File.

Section Link: Use this option when you want to link to another page within T4 or the SMU website. 

External Link: Use this option when you want to link to a page outside T4 or the SMU website.

Email Link: Us ethis to link to someone email address. 

File: Use this to link to a file in the T4 media library.  

You can only use one of these four options at a time. If you fill in more than one the button will not work. 


How buttons appear on a page

Buttons will always appear left justified on the page if you have only one. Consecutive buttons will align with each other until there is no more space on the line and then the last button will jump to the next line on the page. 

Button in Homepage Banners

Banner image with buttons

If the homepage of your site uses the banner template then you can have up to three buttons within this banner. These buttons will appear side by side as shown in the above example.

Contact us

External Affairs Web Team