Writing Standards for your Webpage

Introduction to Writing for the Web

Although there are fundamentals that apply to all forms of writing (such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, rhythm and structure), writing styles vary depending on a number of factors. When it comes to writing for the web, the main differentiating factor is not so much what the viewers are reading, but why and how they are reading it.

Take a step back and consider your website. Who are the primary visitors to your website (e.g. who are your audiences)? Why do you think they visit your website?

Although each Saint Mary’s office/department may have a different audience, the reasons why audiences are visiting your sites are actually quite common - typically, it boils down to information gathering.

Readers often view non-entertainment related websites (like the Saint Mary’s website) in the same way they view a textbook: as a resource for looking up answers to questions or getting a bit more background information on a topic. This is very different then readers of say a magazine or a novel.

Online readers expect to find accurate, up to date information quickly and easily on a website. To help meet these expectations try to keep these general tips in mind:

  • Online readers don’t read. They scan. So keep it short, and use headers and bullet points appropriately.

  • Online readers want their information now. So make information easy to find, and write concisely.

  • Online readers expect up to date information. So avoid using dates and be sure to keep all online information current.

  • Online readers rarely scroll below the page-fold. So be sure to have the most important information located towards the top of the page and provide links to other pages rather than have long pages with a lot of content.

How to format your text

Online readers rarely read large blocks of text (it’s hard on the eyes and not easy to scan). To help them:

  1. Write concisely. If you are using content directly from printed materials, aim to reduce the word count by 50%.

  2. Write simply. Try to use simple sentences of less than 20 words, and avoid using abbreviations, acronyms, or jargon when possible.

  3. Break your text into short, freestanding paragraphs. These paragraphs should have a maximum of 100 words and 5 sentences (although even fewer is better).

  4. Use headings, sub-headings, and bullet points where appropriate. Be sure to make careful use of visual emphasis on a word (e.g. bold, italics, underlined) as having too many emphasized words on one page defeats the point.

  5. Use descriptive hyperlinks. Instead of using “click here” as a link use a description of the linked content. For example, instead of “For a list of available undergraduate scholarships, click here” try “Available undergraduate scholarships.”

Create Scannable Text

  • Highlight keywords.

  • Use meaningful headings and sub-headings.

  • Use bolded text to emphasize key words.

  • Use bulleted lists.

  • One idea per paragraph.

  • Start with the conclusion (inverted pyramid).

  • Reduce text to half the word count.

  • Use a simple writing style.

  • Consider using an F-Shaped layout pattern.

Proper SMU writing conventions

  • Saint Mary’s University. Not St. Mary’s University

  • Saint Mary’s University. Not Saint Marys University

  • Huskies (plural) and Husky (singular). Not Huskie (singular) or Huskys (plural)

  • The U in University is capitalized when referring specifically to Saint Mary’s.

  • SMUport (no capital P)

  • SMUfit (“fit” is italicized)

Spellings, numbers, dates, contact information

  • Justification should almost always be left (we read the English language from left to right so left justification is easier on the eyes and easier to scan).

  • Do not write using all capital letters to add emphasis (it is akin to yelling and considered rude).

  • Numbers: spell them out when under ten. Use numbers when over ten. If one sentence uses numbers that are both under ten and over ten, then use numbers for all to keep consistent.

  • Avoid using dates where possible to keep content up to date.

  • Avoid using abbreviations and acronyms. These make it hard for readers to understand your content. Use abbreviations and acronyms only if they save a considerable amount of space and are readily understood by most readers. Use the following format when defining acronyms or abbreviations: Content Management System (CMS), Bachelor of Science (BSc). Define acronyms and abbreviations on first mention.

Contact us

External Affairs Web Team