Editing Text on an Existing Page

*Helpful Tip: When a new page is added to a site, that page will not show up in the navigation of the live site until the first bit of content has been added and approved for that page. This prevents users from seeing a blank page.  

Making changes to a web page are done with an editor called TinyMCE. This editor works somewhat like a simplified word editor. If you are already proficient with Microsoft Word, for example, then you already know most of TinyMCE’s functions. It allows you to easily work in HTML - the language of the web site - without needing to have knowledge of HTML. Below is what TinyMCE looks like when opened to edit information in a piece of content in T4. 

Making edits in T4

TinyMCE Toolbar

The buttons on this toolbar are similar to other word processing tools. There are exceptions - familiarize yourself with the functions and descriptions below.

Toolbar Symbol Name Description Drop-Down Menu
TinyMCE Undo Icon  Undo To undo the last change made. Edit
TinyMCE Redo Icon  Redo To redo the last change which was undone. Edit
TinyMCE Bold Icon  Bold Changes the text to bold. Format > Formats > Inline
TinyMCE Italic Icon  Italics Changes the text to Italics. Format > Formats > Inline
TinyMCE Underline Icon  Underline Underlines the text. Format > Formats > Inline
TinyMCE Align Right Icon  Align Right Justifies the text left. Format > Formats > Alignments
TinyMCE Centre Icon  Align Center Justifies the text centered. Format > Formats > Alignments
TinyMCE Left Icon  Align Left Justifies the text left. Format > Formats > Alignments
TinyMCE Justify Icon Align Full Justifies the entire text.  Format > Formats > Alignments
TinyMCE un-ordered List Icon Unordered list Inserts a bulleted list. 
(Use for items of no particular rank.)
TinyMCE Ordered List Icon  Ordered list Inserts a numbered list. 
(Use for steps, or items with a specific rank.)
TinyMCE Negative Indent Icon  Negative indent Decreases any indent applied to a paragraph. N/A
TinyMCE Indent Icon  Indent Indents a paragraph, or highlighted block, of text. N/A
TinyMCE Link Icon  Insert/edit link Inserts a link: section/content/external/anchor. Insert
TinyMCE Remove Link Icon  Remove link Removes a link. Insert
TinyMCE Media Icon  Media Inserts media from the Media Library. N/A


TinyMCE Drop-Down Menus

Toolbar Menu Menu Item Description Keyboard Shortcut
Edit Cut Cut any selected content Ctrl+X
  Copy Copy any selected content Ctrl+C
  Paste Paste content currently stored in your clipboard Ctrl+V
  Paste as text If switched on, this will paste content from your clipboard into the content area as plain text  
  Select all Select all content - usually used in conjunction with Copy or Paste Ctrl+A
  Find and replace find and replace text Ctrl+F
Insert Insert Link Insert either a section link, content link, external link or an anchor.  
  Horizontal line Add a horizontal line to content  
  Date/Time Inserts the date and time in specified formats.  
View Show blocks Displays a grid of dotted frames around the block-level elements of the document with labels so users can see exactly where blocks begin and end  
  Show invisible characters Adds the possibility to see invisible characters like    
  Visual aids Gives you the ability to turn on/off the visual aid for borderless tables. If the border of a table is set to "0", then TinyMCE adds a dotted line around the table by default  
  Full screen Displays the content area in full screen Ctrl+Alt+F
Format Strikethrough Places a line though the text  
  Superscript Changes text to Superscript  
  Subscript Changes text to Subscript  
  Formats Select a format for your content  
  Clear formatting Remove formatting of highlighted text  
Table Insert table Add a table to content  


TinyMCE Shortcuts

This table shows the keystrokes (shortcuts) that engage the various actions.

Action Shortcut


Ctrl + b


Ctrl + i


Ctrl + u


Ctrl + x


Ctrl + c


Ctrl + v


Ctrl + z

Heading 1

Ctrl + 1

Heading 2

Ctrl + 2

Heading 3

Ctrl + 3

Heading 4

Ctrl + 4

Heading 5

Ctrl + 5

Heading 6

Ctrl + 6


Ctrl + k


Ctrl + f

Select all

Ctrl + a


Pasting / Importing text from Word Processors

Copying and pasting from a word file can be done but it's not always recommended. Code that gets copied from a word file into TinyMCE can not always be changed once it has been inserted into the webpage. This can end up causing frustration to the person trying to format a webpage when the code can not be altered. 

It's most recommended to strip all formatting from the text by copying the text into Notepad first and then transferring it to the TinyMCE editor. Once it has been pasted into the TinyMCE editor it can be formatted using the TinyMCE controls. 


Spell Check

Unfrtiunatellly speel chck does not curentlly wrk in TinyMCE :)

It's recommended to spell check text before transferring to TinyMCE. 


Next Lesson - Adding Images to Pages »



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