Publishing Changes or Save For Later

Publish Changes

Once you have completed the updates to a page that are required, you can publish those changes to the live website. This is a very simple proceedure, but you do need to be aware of a few options availble to you.

At the bottom right hand side of your work screen (see image below), there is a grey button that says "Back" and a blue button that says "Save Changes" and another smalled blue button with a downward arrow on it. These buttons perform these actions: 

  1. Grey Back Button: This cancels your changes and takes you back to the content selection screen.

  2.  Save changes: This sets the status of the content to Pending (Orange). The changes will NOT be published to the live site, but the changes you made will be saved for you to work on at a future date. 

  3. Save and approve: The changes the status to Approved (green) and the changes you made will be published to the live site. 

  4. Save as draft: This is very similar to Save changes. It applies when a work-flow has been set up for a website where one person can make changes, but does not have adequate system permissions to publish those changes. The changes need to be reviewed by another person with a higher level of permissions. That person can then publish those updates once they have been approved. The status of the content is now ste to Draft (grey)

    Most people at SMU who edit the website have permission to publish changes, so this work-flow generally does not apply. For those people the Save changes and Save as draft work in the same manner and save the changes to be published for a later date.  

Save changes buttons for content


The Pending, Draft and Approved statuses can be seen when you view the different content types for a page as shown below. 

Content Type Statuses

Content types can have several states, or statuses that they can be in depending on how you work with them. These ststuses are:

  1. Approved (green): means edits are finished and the content has been published to the live web site. 

  2. Approved/Expired (green): means that the content was active on the live site at one point but has been expired since then. It no longer shows up on the live site, but can be approved again for future use. This is done under the Options tab when editing content.
  3. Pending (Orange): means the content is pending approval before being published. 

  4. Draft (Grey): means a draft has been saved, but is not fully completed so is not ready for publishing yet.

  5. Inactive (Red): Mean the content that has been deleted. It no longer appears on the published web site, but remains on the list for a short while until it is purged, just in case you need to un-delete it.


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