2016 Afficio Undergraduate Journal

Prostitution: A Reflective Analysis
Mia Samardzic (Humanities)
In chapter seven of Politics and Sex: Exploring the Connections Between Gender, Sexuality, and the State, Edna Keeble stresses that prostitution, through its immediate association with exploitation, remains a widely criticized practice to this day. This association, however, is far too simplistic and undermines the agency of women who willingly choose to engage in sex work by automatically deeming them victims.

Beyond Primary Victims: Child Victims of Terrorism, and the Role of Terrorism Media
Alicia LaPierre (Social Sciences)
Terrorism is defined as a use of force by individuals or groups, which is directed towards innocent civilians and, using tactics which instill fear and terror, is intended to influence or force changes in political or social decisions and policies. The individual characteristics of the victims who are on site during the terrorist attack are not as important as the scale of possible calamity. The goal of a terrorist attack is not to target a specific group of people, but to advance a politically-driven message. This is why, most often, highly populated areas such as clubs or busses are the targets of terrorist acts, and these are areas most often frequented by students, women, and passersby, who make up the most common demographic categories of victims.

Hayley Gavin (Best Overall Undergraduate Paper, Business)
As you requested, here is my report on private accommodation rental services, to help you decide whether such services would be satisfactory options for Quest Travel clients. The report is based on research from several sources, including The Wall Street Journal, the Toronto Star, and The Globe and Mail, with background information from the Airbnb website. I will first explain how private rental accommodation services work, then I will identify some associated pros and cons for guests, and finally, I will address the impact of such services on the tourism industry.

The Bard’s Witness: The Welsh and Early Modern English National Consciousness
Eric Franklin (Humanities)
Several of Shakespeare’s plays reveal the complexities of early modern national selfhood, one that demonstrated not only a clear pride in Englishness but also a delineation between English and Other, an indication that membership in the national affiliation set a person apart from outsiders, but also an idea that there was something intangible yet salient about the national community—an English quality that came from the land itself. Yet while the dramatist’s texts reveal an apparent celebration of English superiority, that ideal often lacks conviction, implying a national absence that suggests a national insecurity.