
The Senate

The Saint Mary’s University Act, 1970, as amended in 2007 (“Act”) sets out the objects and powers of Saint Mary’s University (“University”) and defines the membership of the Senate (“Senate”).

Subject to the authority of the Board of Governors, the Senate is responsible for the educational policy of the University and:

  • May create, maintain, and discontinue such faculties, departments, schools or institutes and establish such chairs as it may determine and may fix the duties of those employed therein
  • May recommend to the Board the affiliation or discontinuance of the affiliation of or with other universities
  • May determine courses of study, admission standards, qualifications for diplomas, certificates and degrees, examinations, scholarships, and bursaries and may issue university calendars and other official publications
  • Shall be responsible for the library
  • Shall be responsible for student discipline
  • May create such committees as it deems necessary or useful

May make regulations governing the matters that are assigned to it by the Act

Location and Contact

Senate Office
Room 026
McNally Main
923 Robie St.

Tel: 902-420-5412
