Student Resources

The procedures for handling offences reflect the gravity with which the University views such offences. At the same time, these procedures represent the University’s commitment to fairness.

Fairness is fundamental when dealing with students. Students have the right to be informed of policies, procedures, or guidelines that may affect their academic progress or their conduct and have the right to question whether decisions are consistent with those policies, procedures, or guidelines.

Each student is entitled to:

  • the presumption of innocence;
  • have matters addressed fairly and expeditiously;
  • be made aware of the case against them, including the pertinent evidence, information, and particulars that the AIO is aware of and whether the AIO intends to collect additional evidence;
  • know, respond to, and seek clarification of the evidence gathered and presented by witnesses;
  • be accompanied by a support person to any meeting with administrators and to any hearing;
  • have matters heard by those who are not sitting in judgment of their own actions or decisions; and
  • receive decisions based on the balance of probabilities, with consideration given to consistency and University precedent.