

The mission of Custodial Services is to maintain consistent high quality cleaning standards on Campus and in Residence that are conducive to a safe and healthy environment, as well as, to provide move, setup, recycling, Conference, classroom rearrangement and general services for the students, staff, faculty and community of Saint Mary's University.

Custodial services has the responsibility of providing the following services to the Campus and Residence: Cleaning, Pest Management, Waste Management, Moves, Setups and Summer Conference. The division helps to provide a safe and healthy environment to all students, staff, faculty and the University community.

Cleaning Services

The safety and health of our customers is our priority, therefore, providing cleaning services to the Saint Mary’s University campus is our primary role. We take pride in providing our community with a consistent high quality Standards of Cleaning .

Please click here for our complete list of services and .

Please Note:

The cleaning priorities in winter months focus on public spaces and teaching/student related areas. The Custodial Services division may adjust service levels in areas to ensure these priorities are maintained. If you have questions regarding the service level in your area, please contact Roberta Graham at 902-496-8235.

Moving Services

Custodial Services provides moving services and deliveries on the campus for University departments. Moving services may be requested with the authorization of the Dean, Chair, or Head of the department. Custodial will provide the services upon receipt of a move order request, which must be submitted to Facilities Management Projects division.

Click here to access online move request form.

Important things to note:

  • Moving service request should be submitted at least 2 weeks in advance. This allows Facilities Management to properly coordinate all the details of the move and provide you with the necessary information
  • All filing cabinets, desks, bookshelves, etc., must be completely empty. Moving these heavy items is very difficult and we require this as an effort to ensure the safety of our moving staff.
  • The incumbents are responsible for packing their own items. Incumbents need to have boxes packed on or before the requested move date and time.
  • Facilities Management can occasionally provide boxes; however finding or purchasing boxes resides with the requesting department.

Pest Management Services

Custodial Service manages the pest management contract on the Saint Mary’s University campus. All pest concerns in Residence must be reported through the Residence desk at 5591 and all pest concerns on Campus must be reported through Facilities Management office services at 5572

Waste Management Services

Custodial services manages the waste management system and waste removal on campus and in residence. The system is based on the HRM source separation philosophy. The University provides the appropriate bins to make recycling efficient on cams and the community is responsible to place their waste in the appropriate bin. The following link is to show you how to sort your waste on campus:

Multi sectional bins are provided around campus and are labelled with clear signage to identify how to sort on campus. In Residence, individual colour coded bins are provided for the floors in Loyola and Vanier. Rice residents are expected to use the Residence Recycling Centre in the Hen Alley room 111. This facility may also be used for other residence building incumbents as there are additional recycling separation options available such as:

  • Garbage
  • Recyclables
  • Refundable's
  • Batteries
  • Clothing
  • Organics
  • E-waste

Workplace Safety Report

January Newsletter

February Newsletter

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