By-Laws Committee

Bylaws Committee

  • The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing Senate and Senate Committee documentation (including annual reports), and meet at least once annually to ensure the Senate Bylaws accurately reflect approved changes and current practices.
  • The composition of the committee shall be as follows:
    1. The Parliamentarian;
    2. An elected academic staff member of Senate who shall chair the committee;
    3. An elected academic staff member appointed by Senate;
    4. One student, appointed by the Students’ Association; and
    5. The Secretary of Senate.


Membership 2024 - 2025

Dr Roby Austin (Parliamentarian)

Dr Lucie Kocum (elected academic staff member of Senate)

Dr Alexandra Dodge (an elected academic staff member of  Senate) 

Ms Francesca Southwell (Student Senator elected by Senate to Apr/25) 

Shannon Morrison, Secretary of Senate (Sect.)