Board Recruitment

Are you interested in serving on the Board of Governors of Saint Mary’s University? The Governance Committee of Saint Mary’s University Board of Governors invites applications from or recommendations of individuals external to the University who would be interested in consideration for appointment to the Board. We are seeking nominations for appointments to commence in September 2024 for a three-year term, renewable once. These positions are voluntary and offer no remuneration.

The university and the higher education sector generally face extraordinary challenges and opportunities. Our governors play a key role in providing stewardship and continuity in our academic mission. Joining the board will be a unique opportunity to engage in governance of an institution committed to accessibility and community engagement.

Further details here: Board of Governors Recruitment Notice 2024

Follow the instructions set out in the Recruitment Notice 2024 and if you intend to submit a nomination, please also complete this questionnaire.

Questions can be directed to the University Secretary at