Online Learning Guidelines

When engaging in online learning, we need to be mindful of how we interact with each other through the various virtual platforms used for educational purposes.

To file a formal complaint under the Code of Student Conduct regarding non-academic misconduct on any online platform or discuss whether this matter is related to the Code, contact the Assistant Director, Student Culture and Experience by email at

Please note that if there is an immediate risk of harm to self or others, or if it is an emergency, please contact 9-1-1.

We have put together these guidelines for online use. 

Tips for Online Learning

  • Be respectful.
  • Be aware of your language and font use; all caps and exclamation marks can be seen as strong language.
  • In some online settings, sarcasm/humour can be misinterpreted or ‘lost in translation’. Using emoticons can be a good way to avoid unintended misunderstandings.
  • Be mindful of your grammar when sending content online.
  • Be mindful of the form of communication you are using (e.g. email, discussion post, chat) and the audience you are communicating with (e.g. professor, peers).
  • Do not overpower the chatbox; allow other students to ask questions and make comments
  • Be understanding of fellow classmates; be mindful of how you correct or offer suggestions to others
  • Ask appropriate questions and keep conversations professional, ensure they align with the environment.
  • Refrain from sharing personal information or documents not related to course content
  • Double-check files uploaded for submission.
  • When conducting yourself online, adhere to the same standards you would follow in person.
  • Online appearance is just as important as in-class sessions; during online video meetings, ensure that anything in the background is appropriate to be on screen and that you are comfortable with how you appear before sharing your camera or video.
  • Be kind to others. Cyberbullying/harassment is not allowed; it will be considered a breach of the Code of Student Conduct.