Adrian Muyinda Musoke
Director, truIT Uganda Limited
Adrian Muyinda Musoke believes he embodies the spirit of the Sobey EMBA class of 2021. He says he represents “diversity, leadership and entrepreneurship, supported by an evidence-based approach to management.”
When asked to describe the biggest lesson of his EMBA experience, Adrian says it is “the importance of having evidence to guide and support the decision-making process. Going by gut feelings may work sometimes but can not be used sustainably nor replicated.”
He says the learning, discussion and decision-making processes in the EMBA program “simulated what happens in the workplace” and that another big lesson was “the power of collaboration and teamwork.”
The experience was not without its challenges, and Adrian is proud that he and his classmates managed to thrive despite COVID-19 travel restrictions and having to adapt to new technologies for a hybrid learning model, while remaining considerate of those who were joining remotely.
Now that he has completed his EMBA, Adrian says he would like to apply his newly acquired knowledge and skills “to take my organization to the next level.”