PhD in I/O Psychology

PhD in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology

The PhD in I/O Psychology emphasizes the scientific study of work through research, course work, and applied experiences. Our PhD students build expertise through independent research projects, a dissertation and active engagement in the field through departmental activities and conferences.

Students work closely with faculty members and each other to conduct novel research in a supportive research environment. Faculty members mentor students on occupational health psychology, leadership, work stress, organizational justice, human factors, organizational climate, organizational conflict and negotiation, gender, and employee recruitment, selection, and performance.

Specialized course work with small cohorts of students builds content knowledge and often includes applied outreach and research activities. Opportunities to develop teaching skills in the undergraduate program at Saint Mary’s University are often available to interested PhD students.

The Benefits of Doing a PhD in I/O Psychology at Saint Mary’s

  • Build independent research programs in cognate areas of Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
  • Participate in collaborative research and practice with faculty and student colleagues.
  • Develop specialized expertise in the application of organizational research methods including leading edge quantitative analytic techniques.
  • Work with organizations to develop and evaluate novel solutions to real world problems.
  • Opportunities to teach and develop pedagogical skills.
  • Work with the largest concentration of I/O faculty members in Canada and connect with the CN Centre for Occupational Health & Safety.

Admission Requirements

  • A master’s degree in I/O Psychology or equivalent
  • Minimum GPA of 3.3 (B+ average)

Application Deadlines and Key Dates

  • International: December 15
  • Canadian and Permanent Residents: December 15
  • Program Start Date: September
  • Minimum time to completion: 3 years

Apply Now

Program Coordinator

Dr. Nicolas Roulin (Acting Graduate Program Coordinator 2024-25)
(902) 420-5831
McNally South 319

Contact Us

Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research

Contact us
Department of Psychology
Mailing address:
McNally Building South Wing (MS 323)
923 Robie Street, Halifax, NS
B3H 3C3

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