
Spelling Letters 1

Linguistics is a scientific study of human languages, focusing on their internal structure, cognitive foundation, and social institution. It is an interdisciplinary field that is closely related to anthropology, philosophy, sociology, and psychology. Studying linguistics develops strong analytical skills, which are solicited in professional areas beyond those related to language, such as translating, writing, or editing. Linguistics is great choice for a career in education, speech therapy, law, or computing.

"Saint Mary’s was the perfect place to study linguistics. The small class sizes facilitated a natural sense of camaraderie with classmates and rapport with professors, who are truly exceptional. Through SMU linguistics, I built a confident understanding of both foundational and cutting-edge research in core and specialized fields, which helped me get accepted into graduate programs at schools like Edinburgh and UBC." -- Jonathan Keigan (Master of Data Science in Computational Linguistics, UBC, in progress)

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