Human Research Ethics Board

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The Saint Mary's University Research Ethics Board (SMU REB) reviews and provides clearance for all research studies involving human participants under the jurisdiction of Saint Mary's University and NSCAD University as well as serves as the appeals Board for Mount Saint Vincent University; as determined by the federal Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans, (TCPS 2, 2022).  It is committed to protecting the rights of research participants and maintaining their trust.

Investigators wishing to conduct research with human participants must submit an application (Form 1 or Form 1C) and have their current plans cleared prior to extending an invitation.  The decision to clear a study depends on the information provided in the application.  Investigators must share new knowledge that changes this information with the SMU REB through a Change to a Cleared Research Report.  Investigators must also inform the SMU REB of unanticipated issues that may be relevant to a research participant's welfare or consent.

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