Departmental Labs

Our computer lab with 24 workstations provides access to cartography, GIS, remote sensing, and statistical software. Geography students are also welcome to use the lab for their general purpose needs. The lab is located in Burke 200D.

This lab located in Burke 202 is used for teaching purposes and for research activity in physical geography, such as sediment sieving, soil studies, water quality analysis, and examination of tree-cores. Equipment in the lab may be signed out and used independently by students for research; for example, by students collecting data for their Honours Thesis research projects.

This lab examines the interactions and feedbacks that occur between topography, biota, hydrodynamic and sedimentary processes and the resultant adjustment of intertidal morphology. Of particular interest is the response of intertidal environments to changes in forcing functions (e.g. wind, waves, currents, sediment, vegetation, topography, tides and sea levels) and how anthropogenic activities (e.g. causeway construction, dyking) impact this response. These relationships are examined across a range of temporal and spatial scales.

Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS
B3H 3C3

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