Community Resources

National Resources

Canadian Council for Refugees (CCR) Member Organizations

Find the list of organizations supporting immigrants and refugees across Canada on the link below.

CCR Member Organizations

The Immigrant and Refugee Mental Health Project (IRMHP)

The project offers online training, tools and resources to settlement, social and health service professionals working with immigrants and refugees. 

Find out more here.

Gender-Based Violence Settlement Sector Strategy

The report below highlights findings from the three components of the project’s research: a National Survey, Environmental Scan, and Key Informant Interviews.

Find out more here.

Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability (CFOJA)

The Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability (CFOJA) is a civil society, grassroots, feminist-led initiative that seeks social change to empower girls and women and to promote sex and gender equality. Preventing male violence against women and girls needs to occur if social change is to be achieved and the well-being of all Canadians ensured.

Find out more here.


Nova Scotia

Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)

Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS) is the leading immigrant settlement service agency in Atlantic Canada, serving 15,000+ clients annually in 100+ communities across Nova Scotia, through many kinds of services—language, settlement, community integration and employment—both in person and online.

Immigrant Migrant Women's Association (IMWAH)

Immigrant Migrant Women’s Association of Halifax (IMWAH) is a culturally diverse and feminist non-profit organization in Nova Scotia committed to the holistic integration of immigrant, migrant women and girls in the province.

YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth: Gender Based Violence Prevention for Service Providers

The Gender-Based Violence Prevention Project at the YMCA Centre for Immigrant Programs is funded by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). The project began in September 2017 with a focus on working with newcomer children, youth, and families to raise awareness about gender-based violence, prevention programming and how to access available resources within their community.


Manitoba Association of Women's Shelters Inc.

The Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelters (MAWS) provides a unified voice for women, children and gender diverse individuals who are affected by violence and abuse. MAWS provides leadership and support for organizations working with those experiencing abuse, by identifying and addressing common areas of need, strengthening standard practices and increasing public awareness of domestic abuse. 

West Central Women’s Resource Centre

West Central Women’s Resource Centre empowers women, gender diverse people and their community, to move from where they are to where they want to be, by providing responsive programming, facilitating knowledge sharing and connection, and contributing to culture shift and policy transformation.

The Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO)

MANSO is a non-profit organization that acts as an umbrella organization for settlement service providers in Manitoba. Their mission is to facilitate newcomer integration by providing leadership, support and a unified voice for settlement and integration organizations.

Safe Housing and Directed Empowerment (SHADE)

SHADE’s mission is to support immigrant and refugee women, and any of their children, who have been impacted by domestic abuse / family violence / gender-based violence. Through psychosocial programming and practical support, they empower immigrant and refugee women to rebuild their lives and transition from a place of victimization to a place of healing, stability, and resiliency.


Research and Education for Solutions to Violence and Abuse (RESOLVE) is a tri-prairie, community-based research network that engages in research and education aimed at reducing the incidence and impact of family/gender-based violence, including violence against women and girls. RESOLVE is part of the five research centres on family violence and violence against women, that was established in 1992, following the 1989 Montreal Massacre (see page 6). RESOLVE Manitoba was established at the University of Manitoba as a collaboration with the University of Winnipeg and the University of Brandon, as well as with a range of public and voluntary sector organizations. They are engaged in a number of research projects in Manitoba, across the prairies and across Canada, which help to uncover the causes of family violence and generate effective strategies for action.

RESOLVE’s work seeks to understand the dynamics of family/gender-based violence by establishing effective strategies to prevent and alleviate this violence. They are based upon two main tenets, the first one is to create partnerships among community-based strategies, government policymakers and academics/researchers across the prairie provinces. The second is an action-oriented research and development paradigm, which focuses on projects with joint research and service policy innovation goals.

The three centres are located at the University of Manitoba, University of Calgary and the University of Saskatchewan. 

New Brunswick

Domestic violence resources can be found through the Government of New Brunswick’s Love Shouldn’t Hurt Campaign:





  • Find Alberta shelters here: Individuals and families can access emergency shelters and temporary housing when facing family violence, domestic violence or homelessness.
  • Alberta Council of Women's Shelters 
Contact us
CIHR Funded Research Project
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 3C3