Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations

Students may receive 6 credit hours of advanced standing for each of the following CAPE courses, if they achieve grades of I, II or III.

CAPE subjects approved for credit:

CAPE Subjects Examined Equivalent Saint Mary’s University Credit
Accounting ACCT 2241 and ACCT 2242
Biology BIOL 1201 and SCIE 1901
Caribbean Studies SSCI 1901
Chemistry SCIE 1902 and SCIE 1903
Communication Studies ARTS 1901
Economics ECON 1201 and ECON 1202
Entrepreneurship MGMT 1901 and MGMT 1902
Environmental Science ENVS 1200 and ENVS 1901
French FREN 2901 and FREN 2902
Law SSCI 1902 and SSCI 1903
Literature in English ENGL 1205 and ENGL 1901
Management of Business MGMT 1281 and BUSI 1903
Physics PHYS 1000 and PHYS 1001
Pure Mathematics MATH 1210 and SCIE 1904
Sociology SOCI 1210 ad SOCI 1901
Spanish SPAN 1100 (6)

Each of the above Saint Mary’s courses counts as three credit hours with the exception of SPAN 1100 which counts as six credit hours. Credit for CAPE examined subjects, not listed above but with a grade of I, II or III will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Both units, one and two must be completed to be considered for transfer credit.

Note: Official transcripts for both units one and two are required. Credit is not awarded on the basis of interim school, predicted or mock results. In addition, students have the choice of refusing credits.

Revised October 2017