The Science Advising Centre offers academic advising services to current and prospective Saint Mary’s students. Book an appointment through our online booking system (virtual and in-person options available), attend a drop-in advising session (details below), or email questions directly to Availability for regular appointments opens 14 days in advance.
Please use your @SMU email account when booking. For prospective students who do not yet have an @SMU account, we recommend using a non-Gmail email when booking.
Science Advising offers both in-person and virtual drop-in academic advising. Virtual drop-ins take place via Zoom. The academic advisor will let students in one by one from the waiting room, throughout the drop-in session. For in-person drop-in advising, students can come to the Science Advising Centre in Atrium 301.
The Faculty of Science also has a variety of academic program advisors who can help answer questions about courses, research interests, or other aspects of your degree.
As Academic Advisors, our job is to help you: • Make informed decisions about which courses to take and how to sequence your courses; • Determine an academic plan to achieve your educational goals;• Explore program options (majors, minors, certificates); • Understand University regulations and processes; and• Learn about University services, resources, and supports available to you
Your Science Advising Centre Team
Courtenay Kyle
Senior Science Academic Advisor
Laura Johnston
Science Academic Advisor
Tara Whitney
Grace Snasdell-Taylor
Administrative Assistant
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