Careers in Chemistry

Career Paths

After completing their BSc, MSc or PhD in Chemistry, our graduates pursue a variety of different paths. Many of them have been widely recruited into top ranking graduate programs across the country. Other graduates enter professional programs such as Education and Medicine. A large proportion of our graduates also enter the workforce directly in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, industrial and government jobs in the region. Here are examples of the career paths recent graduates have taken:

Brandon Logan

 Degrees at SMU:

  •   Bachelor of Science (Major in Chemistry) 2017
  •   Diploma of Forensic Science 2017
  •   Master of Science (Applied Science) 2020

Employer: Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) – Government of Canada
Position: Food Processing Inspector

As part of the CFIA inspectorate, Brandon plays a role in verifying and supporting compliance with regulations that ensure the safety of Canada’s food supply, such as the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.

Contact us
Faculty of Science
Department of Chemistry
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 3C3, Canada

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