Planning for the University Brand Refinement Project began in early 2019. With the endorsement of the President, the Executive Management Group, senior leadership and the Deans, the Project Steering Committee was struck and the process to prepare and issue and RFP as well as plan and design consultation began.
The RFP was issued seeking an external agency marketing, advertising and branding expertise in the post-secondary environment. The university followed a rigorous procurement process with several stages, review and checks along the way.
A total of 13 submissions from across Canada and the United States were received, ranked and scored.
Key groups across the university are consulted throughout the process to ensure the refined brand truly reflects the needs and goals of the university community. The timeline below gives and overview of the work to date as well as upcoming milestones.
STC Engaged
October 2019
November 2019 - January 2020
Engagement Campaign and Online Survey
January-February 2020
Discovery Report
April - May 2020
Market Research Survey and Testing
June 2020
Survey Results
July 2020
Brand Strategy/Concept DevelopmentBrand Platform Development
August - November 2020
Phase 3: Roll-out
Spring 2021
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