Faculty Resources

Arts With Impact Speaker SeriesThe Faculty of Arts is pleased to offer the Arts With Impact Speaker Series. This initiative operates at the Department/Program level, whereby units identify appropriate guest speakers whose work demonstrates the significance of scholarship and research in the Arts.

Faculty HandbookThe Orientation Handbook for New Faculty in Arts has been designed for new colleagues, based on extensive feedback from the Saint Mary's community. Updated in 2021, this Handbook should provide guidance, direction and support. 

Faculty forms

Travel-related forms

Please submit completed forms to the Dean of Arts Office, McNally Main 218, by the nearest deadline date both before and after travelling:

January 3, March 31, May 31, July 31, September 30 and November 30.

Before travelling:

Upon return from travel:

Student-related forms

Resources related to Teaching Assistants

Other teaching resources 

  • Undergraduate Teaching Term Information : Developed by the BA Advising Centre, this is a resource for instructors with useful information for teaching and supporting students in the Bachelor of Arts program during the current term.  

Communication resources

  • Faculty research profiles: Fill out this online form to request a new profile/bio page using the university's current web template. (Examples of current Arts faculty profiles.) 
  • Web content updates: For assistance from the university's web team, use the Website Update form in the EIT client support portal to submit requests for new content or content updates.  
  • Design templates: The Saint Mary's Brand website provides guidance and templates for posters, reports, social media promotions, presentation slides and much more. 
  • Graphic design requests: Submit a Communications Intake Form for professional graphic design work from SMU Creative Services. For photography requests, use the same form.
  • Events Calendar: Submit your event to the SMU Events Calendar using the event submission form, available in the top left corner of the calendar.
    • Tips: Submit images in jpg or png format; include 'arts' in keywords section
    • On the calendar itself, type 'arts' into the search bar to see the current events coming up within the Faculty of Arts.  
  • Faculty of Arts communications: Contact the Arts Communications Officer either by email, MS Teams or phone at (902) 210-5547 to discuss your communication request.




Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Mailing address:
Saint Mary’s University
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 3C3

Social media