Honours Program

Anthropology - Honours Program

The Anthropology Honours Program offers students a chance to design and implement a major independent research project. Students work with a committee of faculty members who guide and advise them in their research and in the production an Honours thesis. The department strongly favours research projects that involve the collection and analysis of original data, and does not typically approve those based solely on library research.


To be admitted to the Anthropology Honours Program, you must:

  1. Have declared a major in Anthropology
  2. Meet all requirements outlined in the Academic Calendar for the Faculty of Arts
  3. Have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.30 in Anthropology courses


An application to the Anthropology Honours Program consists of three forms:

  1. Honours Application Form
  2. Honours Committee Form  
  3. A one page abstract of your proposed research project

Forms should be submitted to the main department email address (anthropology@smu.ca). The deadline for students intending to apply for the Anthropology Honours Program and write an Honours Thesis in 2023-2024 is June 1, 2023. More information can be found in the following documents: 

Honours Student Theses

The following Honours Theses are available for viewing in the Department of Anthropology office. Recent theses can be found online through links below to the SMU Institutional Repository.

Year Student Thesis title
1976 Christianson, David Wabanaki Subsistence Strategies in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
1976 Connolly, John Archaeology in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick between 1863 and 1914 and Its Relationship to the Development of North American Archaeology.
1978 Hall, Gary F. Pebble Tool Technology: An Analysis and Replication of Bi-polar Quartz Artifacts from a Prehistoric Campsite in Nova Scotia.
1979 Heber, Robert W. Filipino Ritual Kinship: A Study of Filipino Social Integration in Nova Scotia.
1979 Jones, Margaret L. Sex Differences in Gaze and Their Relevance to Anthropology.
1980 Dale (Dayle), Jutta Intensity as a Measure of Turnerian Anti-structure in Three North American Societies.
1982 Sheldon, Helen L. Exploitation of the Guinea Pig in Andean South America.
1983 MacIntyre, Judith Anne A Chronology for Eight Prehistoric Nova Scotia Sites.
1985 Tingley, Cheryl Spatial Conceptualizations of the Micmac: A Content Analysis of Micmac Oral Narratives.
1986 Crowe, Susan The Analysis of Ceramic Assemblages from Disturbed Urban Contexts: The Central Trust Example.
1988 Mcllquham, Susan The Invisible Woman: An Examination of the Role of Woman "Behind the Scenes" in Theatre and Society in Halifax.
1990 Guilfoyle, John Gunflint Perspectives: Old and New-- a Study in Historical Archaeology.
1990 Hiseler, George L. Kädebunegek to Pasedooek': Environment, Resources, and Settlement Patterns.
1990 Hubbard, Shelley An Analysis in the Technicality of the Translation Process from Letters Written by Nicholas {i.e. Nicolas} Denys.
1990 MacDonald, Susan E. The Portrayal of the Indigenous Peoples of Vanuatu by Nineteenth Century Canadian Foreign Missionaries.
1990 McGuire, Kim The Rural Cemetery Movement in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
1990 Monahan, Valery Copper Technology in the Maritimes: An Examination of Indigenous Copper-working in the Maritime Provinces During the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Periods.
1990 Sanders, Michael Private Land Use in the Halifax/Dartmouth Region, 1790-1850: McNab's Island as a Case Study.
1991 Millard, Deanna L. Helping Hands: An Ethnographic Study of Nova Scotia Faith Healers.
1991 Rojo, Monica A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Women and Their Occupational Roles in Television Soap Operas.
1991 Lee, Kenneth Animal Petroglyphs of Nova Scotia.
1991 Oakley, Robin Collectors' Interest in Melanesian Artifacts.
1992 Murphy, Liam Donat The Urban Archaeological Resource Inventory: A Case Study in Halifax.
1993 Howell, G. V. Burton The Tancook Whalers: A Study in Maritime Adaptation.
1994 Overington, Sarah A. Tales of Treeplanting: A Discussion of the Context and Culture of Treeplanting.
1995 Derrick, Donald Patterns of Representation of Evolution in Articles Referring to Human Evolution in Eight Major English Canadian Newspapers in 1992 and 1993.
1995 Fowler, Jonathan D. Acadian-Mi'Kmaq Intermarriage in Pre-Expulsion Acadia.
1995 Lorway, Robert Managing One's Ego Identity in the Face of Discrediting Influences.
1995 MacLeod, H. A. The Methodology and Artifact Patterns of Stanley South: A Case Study on the Edward How Property of Grassy Island Canso, Nova Scotia.
1996 Edge, Stephanie Port Dauphin 1713-1719: A Discussion of the History, Archaeology and Oral Tradition.
1996 Lundrigan, Nicole A Computer-Generated Exercise for the Introduction of Forensic Anthropology at a Precollege Level.
1996 Quinlan, Tracey Seasonality Analysis of Mya Arenaria: From ALDF-26, Port Joli.
1997 Bishop, Lara Women and Curing in Selected Native North American Societies West of the Mississippi River.
1997 Hodges, Kent The Value of Soil Conductivity on the Fort Sackville Site.
1998 Meese, Zachary Material Culture and Social Status: Can Artifacts Determine the Social Status of a Site? -- Case Study of the Rockingham Inn.
1999 Dunn, Frances Microwear Feature Analysis of the Little Dutch Church Teeth: A Scanning Electron Microscope Study.
1999 Macey, Neil An Analysis of the Saint Famille Skeletal Assemblage.
1999 Mitchell, April D. An Anthropological Analysis of Burial Practices in Halifax between 1749 and 1833 as Reflected in Two Halifax Parishes with Reference to Burial in England and Germany.
1999 Stockely, Joliene A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of 18th Century French Settlements in Northern Ingonish.
2000 Ellis, Melanie A Comparative Study of Police Officers' Testimonies in a Trial in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
2000 Richardson, Andrea The Secrets of the Stone Piles: The Birchtown Mounds.
2001 Amirault, Marni Igoolik Isuma Productions Turning the Camera Around.
2001 Dyke, Danny Archaeology and GIS in Halifax: A Demonstration of the Utility of GIS as a Research Tool.
2001 Swiatoniowski, Anne A Study of Vegetation in the Lake Melville Ecoregion of Labrador from Innu and Scientific Perspectives.
2001 Whiteley, Erin Post-Glacial Landscapes and their Influence on Palaeo-Indian Migration into Nova Scotia.
2002 Brown, Nicole Analysis of The Clay Tobacco Pipes From the Fort Lawrence Site (B1D6:8).
2002 Bursey, John Propaganda Analysis: An Anthropological Critique of the Mass Media.
2002 Gregory, Tim Cemetery Records as an Indicator of Social Status in Halifax from 1844 to 1848: An Anthropological Study of the Records of Holy Cross Cemetery and Camp Hill Cemetery from the First Five Years of their Existence.
2002 Jarvis, Lisa Women's Place in Archaeology: An Examination of Women's Experiences in the Discipline of Archaeology in Canada.
2002 Mosher, Matthew Sacred Landscape of the Mi'Kmaw: An Analysis of the Mythology.
2002 Pentz, Ben Examining the Development of Repatriation and Cultural Property Policy in Canada.
2003 Harvey, John Household Assemblages of the Pre-Expulsion Acadians.
2003 Parker, Dominique Future of the Past: A Look at the History of Museums: Current Trends and Contemporary Adaptations of their Form.
2004 Ellenberger, Tristan War and Antiquities: The Hague Convention of 1954 Concerning the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict.
2004 Fletcher, P. Erin The Economic Scaling of Ceramics and its Inferences on Socio-Economic Status in 19th Century Halifax: An HRM Parkade Excavation (2001) Case Study.
2004 Moores, Alura Eden Perceptions of Canadian Culture and Identity in Four Canadian Families.
2004 Hollett, Michelle Lela Congregants' Experience of Public Prayer in a Particular Anglican Parish.
2004 Keen, Jonathan Interdental Grooves: Experimental Implications.
2004 MacLellan-Mansell, Alanna Media Images: An Examination of Their Influence on Cultural Perception.
2004 Rei, Inés Immigration and Integration: An Exploration of Canadian Immigration and Integration into Canadian Society.
2005 Cosgrove, Joseph Retracing the Burials of Displaced Inuit Afflicted with Tuberculosis.
2005 Magee, Lesley Language as a Factor in African Nova Scotian Education: What Can Be Learned from the Oakland Ebonics Debate?
2005 Stewart, Christine Reproductive Attitudes and Experiences.
2005 Surette, Flannery Mapping Catholic Acadia—Parishes, Churches, Chapels, and Missions.
2006 Babbitt, James Mapping of Indigenous Knowledge: Acts of Self-Determination or Colonialism?
2006 Langan, Dean A Study of Gravestone Features in Halifax's Holy Cross Cemetery.
2006 Munro, Matthew The Salter's Gate Stable: An Exercise in Historical Archaeological Investigation.
2007 Comeau, Jennifer The Construction of Gender in Scripted Dialogue: A Case Study of the Television Sitcom Friends.
2007 Matheson-LeFort, Donna L. Black Presence in Early Halifax: Examining Burial Samples from the Little Dutch Church.
2007 Power, Katherine The Use of Patent and Proprietary Medicines in Halifax: A Case Study in Salter's Gate.
2007 Knox, Zachary The Shubenacadie Canal Community and Feature 15: A Cultural Analysis.
2008 Bishop, Colette Sound of a Culture: Inuit Hip-Hop as a Tool of Resistance.
2008 Cormier, Cynthia Sacred Places in the Landscape of African United Baptist Association Churches and Cemeteries from c. 1800 to 1900.
2008 Kraft, Katrina Animal Use in Black Loyalist Communities: Faunal Analysis of Remains Recovered from Birchtown and Delap's Cove, Nova Scotia.
2008 Landry, Christine M. Belief in an Afterlife for Animals? Egypt from 1549 B.C.E. to 332 B.C.E.: An Interpretation of the Evidence.
2008 Whalen, Alie Edward Jordan's Skull: A Case Study on the Political and Ethical Issues Surrounding the Exhibition of Mortuary Artifacts and Remains.
2009 de Boer, Laura Behind the Walls: The Hidden Architectural History and Archaeology in Downtown Halifax.
2009 Taylor, Aaron The 1747 Trek to Grand Pré: A Study in Historical Archaeology.
2010 Allain, Lyne An Evaluation of Four Moulding Materials: Understanding the Safety and Effectiveness of Casting Archaeological and Forensic Materials.
2010 Atchison, David J. Hanging with a Recycler for a Day: A Case Study of Informal Recycling on the Halifax Peninsula.
2010 Bell, Ian Carter Bone Histology in the Maritimes: A Forensic and Archaeological Perspective Utilizing Nonhuman Remains.
2010 Christian, Lauren Little Mysteries of the Forgotten and a Search for the Early Defenses of Halifax, 1749-1762.
2010 Cusack, Jeffrey Perception Meets Reality: How Healthcare Professionals' Perception of Their Patient's Health Literacy Alters Patient Treatment.
2010 Redden, Emily The Impacts of Collaborative Approaches on Archaeological Research in Nova Scotia.
2010 Sutherland, Keenan An Analysis of Archaeological Predictive Modeling and its Applications in Nova Scotia.
2011 Hiltz, Tia Heather The Integration Transmission of Traditional Innuit Spirtuality.
2011 Kocay, Mariek The Pull of Home in Return Migration: Coming Back to the HRM.
2011 Jess, Natalie Where Fallen Soldies Lie: An Archaeological Investigation into the Burial Sites Associated with the 1747 Battle at Grand Pré.
2012 Totten, Megan Dental Age Estimation of Juvenile Skeletal Remains: Testing Standard Methods of Dental Age Estimation by Moorrees, Fanning, & Hunt and Demirjian, Goldstein, & Tanner on a Modern Canadian Population.
2013 Hines, Ellen Quinceañeras: Continuity, Change and Meaning.
2013 Mussett, Michelle Sex Estimation in African Americans using Diagonal Diameter Measurements of Molar Teeth.
2014 Bitter-Suermann, Magdalene Food, Modernity, and Identity in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
2014 Davies, Dai Coming Out: A Rite of Passage Toward the Creation of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identities.
2014 Green, Randi A Tale of Two Theatres: Discourse and Outcome in Preservation Attempts.
2014 Houghton, Brittany Questioning Kennetcook: An Archaeological Investigation of Upper Burlington.
2014 Hudson, Allison Sex Estimation in a Mexican Population Using the Scapula.
2014 Kilback, Leena The Use and Distribution of Roman Glass at the Villa Site of San Felice, During Pre- and Post-Imperial Occupation.
2014 Smith, Vanessa Peter McNab's Island: Scottish Settlement on McNabs Island, 1782 to 1847. 
2015 Crowell, Travis Beneath the Waves: Assessing the Archaeological Potential of Submerged Shorelines in the Bedford Basin 
2015 Fraser, Allison Atop Gallows Hill: Magnetic Susceptibility in Archaeological Reconnaissance 
2015 Gooding, Kaitlyn Individuality and Anonymity within the Furry Fandom 
2015 Parsons, Nicholas Determining Population Change in the Basentello River Valley in Basilicata, Italy 
2016 O’Bright, Laurel The Estimation of Sex in a Chilean Population Using the Tibia: Applications for Human Rights Cases
2016 Randle, Elaine "Puff, Puff, Pass: A Case Study of Contemporary Cannabis Consumption on the Saint Mary's University Campus"
2016 Sukaroff, Paul Reflecting the Mir Image: Representations of the Doukhobors in Late 19th Century Nova Scotia Newspaper Media
2017 Locke, Jenna The Archaeothanatology of Identity: Freed-People Burials in Nuceria Necropolis, Pompeii
2018 Freeman Marr, Laura The Ritual Origins of the Roof-Box at Newgrange
2018 Nickerson, Brianna Fictive Kinship in a Sorority
2018 Walker, Kieran Why Learn Irish?
2019 Clark, Rachel A Comparison of Outpost Acadian Communities to a Heartland Acadian Community 
2019  Desjardins, Haley Interpreting Material Culture: An Exploration of "Precolumbian Mesoamerican Ceramics"
2019  Hart, Amber Shaping Autism Self-Advocates' Identities Through the Neurodiversity Movement
2019  Lütz, Katherine The Rock-art of Point Pleasant Park in Halifax, Nova Scotia
2019  Peters, Michaela Conflict Resolution in a Halifax Elementary School
2019 Ryan, Kristina Property Crime of 18th-century Halifax: An Anthropological Approach 
2020  Denman, Olivia Hygge and Denmark
2020  Fox, Adeena Public Engagement with Historical Burying Grounds in Halifax, Nova Scotia
2020  Nolan, Emily The Power of Consultation and Repatriation
2020  Payne, Rebecca Reuse and Reoccupation in the Sabine Valley: Analyzing the Villa of Titus and the Baths of Vespasian
2021 Jackson, Avery The Forgotten Missionary, Thomas Wood 
2021  Kemp, Emma  Toponomy and Cultural Landscape in Central Cape Breton, Unama’kik, and Cheap Breattain
2021  Madinsky, Emily  Tourist Motivations and the Interpretation of Place at Pollett’s Cove
2021  Robertson, Logan Halifax Cholera: An Anthropological and Geographical Analysis of an Epidemic's Social Determinants of Health 
2022 Barker, Brooke Chasing Evangeline: How archaeology and heritage shaped the Grand-Pré National Historic Site 
2022 McLean, Jordan The Importance of Language to Minorities in Urban Areas: Acadian Identity in Halifax
2022 Miller, Emily Digging for Vikings: Leif’s Legacy and the Archaeology of L’Anse aux Meadows: A New Methodology for Validating Oral Traditions as Historical Sources Through Comparison to the Archaeological Record
2022 Simon, Shannon Linear Enamel Hypoplasia as a Proxy for Environmental Stress in Fossil Apes
Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Department of Anthropology
Mailing address:
McNally South 218
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS B3H 3C3