

1. Centre of Excellence in Accounting and Reporting for Co-operatives (CEARC).

2. The mandate of the Centre of Excellence is to carry out, sponsor, and facilitate research in accounting and reporting for co-operatives. It shall disseminate its research widely in draft (i.e. consultative) form to professional accounting bodies and co-operative managers around the world. It shall use feedback as an input to the research in the preparation of final reports which shall be published at academic and practitioner conferences, in journals, and/or in the form of practical manuals.

3. Governance

3.1 The Board of Directors shall normally consist of the Associate Vice President, Research or his (her) designate, a representative from the SMU Accounting Department who shall be Treasurer, Chair of the CEARC Board, Director of the International Centre for Cooperative Management ICCM, or designate, at least three external members appointed by the internal members of the Board and the Executive Director of the Centre (ex-officio). The external members include a  representative from CPA Canada and the two remaining external members are selected to represent practitioners from co-operatives and credit unions. The Board shall decide to increase its size and composition as needed to reflect the work of CEARC. Board members will serve a three-year term and may reoffer for re-election for additional three-year terms. A member of the Board shall be removed for non-performance or cause by a two-third majority vote of the board.

3.2 The Centre shall be governed by the Board and administered by the Executive Director.

3.3 The Chair of the Board shall be selected by members of the Board by a simple majority and shall normally serve for three years.

3.4 The Board shall be responsible for appointment of the Executive Director, the formulation of policies and procedures, approval of an annual budget and activity plan for the Centre, establishment of strategic directions, and reporting to the University on the annual activities of the Centre.

3.5 The Board shall undertake an annual assessment of the work of the Executive Director, and communicate the results of the assessment to the Executive Director.

3.6 The Board shall appoint the Editor for the International Journal of Co-operative Accounting and Management as recommended by the Research Committee.

3.7 The Board shall establish a research committee to assist in soliciting and interpreting feedback on the results of research by the Centre and in developing directions for research. The research committee shall consist of a minimum of three experts (practitioners and academics that are highly interested in cooperative studies). The chair and the other members of the research committee shall be appointed by the CEARC board of directors.

3.8 The Board shall meet at least twice a year at the call of the Chair. Except in extra-ordinary circumstances, the Chair shall convey to Board members written notice of each meeting, the agenda, and supporting documentation at least one week in advance of the meeting. Quorum shall consist of 50% of Board members in person or via telephone or video hook-up. Motions shall be carried by a simple majority of members attending the meeting.

3.9 This constitution shall be amended by two-third vote of the members of the Board, subject to approval of the Senate of Saint Mary’s University.

4. Relationship of the Centre to Saint Mary’s University

4.1 The Board of Directors of the Centre shall be responsible to the Board of Governors and the Senate of Saint Mary’s University and shall report to the Senate and Governors through the Vice-President – Academic & Research as per the By-Laws Governing the Establishment, Reporting and Review of Institutes and Centres at Saint Mary’s University, March 16, 2012.

4.2 The Centre is affiliated with Saint Mary’s University and shall be governed by all relevant regulations of the University.

4.3 The financial year of the Centre shall coincide with the financial year of the University.

Approved by CEARC Board of Directors: June 5, 2023
