The Patrick Power Library offers 30 laptops for loan to Saint Mary's University students, faculty and staff. All laptop users are expected to abide by the University's Technology Use Policies and must read and sign our Laptop Borrowing Agreement PDF .
Please note:
Who can borrow a laptop?
Saint Mary's students, faculty, and staff with a valid Saint Mary's ID card may borrow the laptops at the Library's Circulation Desk. You must present your card to sign out a laptop. Users must be in good standing, i.e., no outstanding fines or liabilities over $10.00.
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Can I book a laptop ahead of time?
No. Laptops are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
What is the loan period?
3 hours or until 1/2 hour prior to Library closing time, whichever is sooner.
What can the laptops do?
The laptops are equipped with CD-DVD and can access the Library's wireless network from anywhere in the Library. They run Windows OS and include Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint and Excel).
You can temporarily save data to the laptop, but when the laptop is restarted or shutdown, all saved data and settings will be erased permanently. You cannot access your J drive, so you will have to either save your work to a CD, DVD, USB/Flash drive, or email your work to yourself.
To access the internet you must use your S number and password.
Laptops include a power cord and adaptor. The Library cannot guarantee that the battery will be charged at time of lending, however there are plenty of power outlets along the walls. The power cord and adaptors are for our laptops only.
What can't the laptops do?
Some Library databases cannot be accessed via the wireless network. They are the ones on the Journal Articles and Databases page that say "in Library only".
You cannot access your J drive, so you will have to either save your work to a CD, DVD, USB/Flash drive, or email your work to yourself.
You cannot access the internet without your S number and password.
You cannot permanently save data to the laptop. Once the laptop is restarted or shutdown, all saved data and settings will be erased permanently.
Can I print from a laptop?
Yes, the laptops print to the printers in the Reference Area of the library. You must have sufficient print credits in your S account to print. You can purchase print credits from the Circulation Desk.
You also need to release the print job to the printer by going to or use the shortcut on the desktop called Web Print Release. It will ask you to login using your S account.
Where can I use the laptop?
Laptops may only be used in the Library. There is wireless access throughout the Library and power outlets are located along most walls.
Can I get a renewal?
Laptops may be borrowed for up to three (3) hours at a time, but must be returned 1/2 hour before the Library closes. At the end of the loan period, the patron must bring the laptop back to the Circulation Desk in person. Patrons will be permitted to re-borrow the same laptop (a maximum of one time) if there are no other patrons waiting for a laptop.
How do I return the laptop?
Laptops must be returned in person to the Circulation staff. Do not drop the laptops into the returns bin or leave them on the counter. Borrowers should be prepared to wait a few minutes while the staff verifies that all items have been returned in good condition. Users should report any laptop malfunctions or problems immediately.
Associated Fines & Fees
Overdue fines are $2 per hour (or part thereof) to a maximum of $22. Borrowing privileges will also be suspended if
late return fees total $10 or more.
The user agrees to assume any and all legal liability for the cost of repair or replacement in the event of loss due to theft, damage, negligence or misuse. The Library will not assume responsibility for lost files due to viruses, hardware failure, or network interruptions. Any file(s) copied or downloaded will be automatically removed and cannot be recovered after the laptop is rebooted or restarted.
The replacement charge for lost, stolen, or un-repairable laptops is approximately $1,500. Charges for overdue fines and missing laptop accessories also apply. The suspension of borrowing privileges may also apply. A repair fee will be levied for damaged laptops. Any laptop equipment malfunctions should be reported immediately to Library staff. A laptop will be considered lost if not returned to the Library ½ hour before closing.
What if I need help?
Hardware problems should be directed to Circulation or Research Help Desk staff who will contact Information Systems. Assistance with the use of online library databases and resources is available at the Research Help Desk in the Library.
You are expected to be self-directed in your use of the laptops. It is assumed that you will be familiar with the Windows platform, Microsoft Office, and browsers. For assistance with these products, please consult the help facilities built into them.
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