
Program Requirements

A minor in Film Studies is available to undergraduate students in all three faculties.

This minor offers students an opportunity to become familiar with the history of filmmaking, the language employed in discourse about film, and styles of artistic and social commentary about film. The courses pertaining to particular national or regional cinema allow for an understanding of the role of film in creating/expressing social identity; other courses pertain to the creation of gender identity. This is an Inter-university program which allows students to obtain credit from any of the four participating institutions - Saint Mary’s, Dalhousie, University of King’s College, and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University.

Requirements: twenty-four (24) credit hours [twelve (12) required credit hours and twelve (12) elective credit hours)].

Required courses [twelve (12) credit hours]

  • THEA 2301.03 Film History I (Dalhousie) or AHIS 2800 Film History and Criticism 1890 - 1940 (NSCAD)
  • THEA 3301 .03 Film History II (Dalhousie) or AHIS 2810 History and Criticism 1940 – Present (NSCAD)
  • ENGL 2511 Reading Film (Saint Mary’s University) or THEA 2311.03 Film Analysis (Dalhousie)
  • THEA 3313.03 Documentary, Experimental and Animated (Dalhousie)

Elective courses [twelve (12) credit hours] currently available from the four cooperating institutions.

Electives Offered in 2010-11 Included

Saint Mary’s University

  • ENGL 2313 Narrative in Fiction and Film
  • ENGL 2325 The Media in Everyday Life
  • ENGL 3511 Film and the City
  • ENGL 3512 Contemporary Canadian Film and Television
  • HIST 3450 Film and History
  • RELS 3356 Religions and Film
  • CRIM/SOCI 3546 Crime and Media

Nova Scotia College of Art and Design

  • AHIS 3835 Topics in Film History: Contemporary Cinemas of Globalization
  • AHIS 3836 Topics in Film History: Subjectivities in Moving Pictures
  • AHIS 3837 Topics in Film History: Out on Screen
  • AHIS 3838 Topics in Film History: Sex and the Cinema
  • AHIS 3850 History and Criticism of Documentary Film
  • AHIS 3922 Topics in Film History: Hitchcock’s Films

Dalhousie University

  • CHIN 3050.03 Topics in Asian Cinema
  • ENGL 2313.03 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries on Film
  • FREN 2022.03 Aspects of French and Francophone Cinema: Analysis, History, Movements, Authors
  • FREN 2801.03 Cinema: The French Phenomenon II
  • GWST 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
  • ITAL 2600.03 Survey of Italian Cinema
  • MUSC 2016.03 Topics in Music and Cinema
  • RUSN 2037.03 Russian Film II
  • RUSN 2046.03 East European Cinema: War, Love, and Revolutions
  • THEA 2360.03 Popular Cinema
  • THEA 2911.03 Stars and Stardom on Stage and Screen
  • THEA 3351.03 The Cinema of David Lynch
  • THEA 4390.03 Special Topics in Film Studies: Film Adaptation

University of King’s College

  • CTMP 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
  • CTMP 3305.03 Modern Film and the Theory of the Gaz

Students are advised to consult the individual institutions’ current Academic Calendars for up-to-date course listings. At Saint Mary’s, further information is available from the Film Studies Committee Coordinator Jennifer VanderBurgh – Tel: 420-5718

The regular “Declaration of Major/Minor/Concentration” form is used to declare a minor. Students must fulfill all requirements for any minor(s) which they officially declared in order to qualify for graduation, or officially (i.e., in writing) withdraw their declaration of a minor(s).

Contact us
Faculty of Arts
Film Studies
Mailing address:
923 Robie Street