2012 Afficio Undergraduate Journal

One Hole Too Many: Ghosts and Mad Women in Hamlet and MacBeth
Katherine Crooks (Humanities, Best Overall Undergraduate Paper)
Across Poland, 1956 was a remarkable year of protest against the hegemony of the Soviets and progress as Poles demanded reasonable changes within their system which gave way to significant reforms.

The Detrimental Impact of Globalization on Female Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
David McDonald (Social Sciences)
While it has been argued by World Bank development thinkers that the globalization process will lead to poverty alleviation and economic growth, the successes of globalization have been unequal both among and within countries.

Poland 1956: A Year of Protest and Progress
Kyle Massia (Humanities)
Across Poland, 1956 was a remarkable year of protest against the hegemony of the Soviets and progress as Poles demanded reasonable changes within their system which gave way to significant reforms.

Alzheimer's Disease: Are Certain Parts of Memory More Affected by Alzheimer's Disease Than Others?
Julia Mahoney (Science)
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a form of dementia that affects a person’s cognitive ability. It is characterized by the rapid decline of cognition. The first case of AD was reported in 1907 but, even 100 years later, very little is known about the cause of the disease.

The Success of International Human Rights Norms in Liberal Democracies as a Source of Political Pacification and Ignorance
Katie Grant (Social Sciences)
In February 2012, students in Political Sciences 2305.0 (International Relations) took part in a simulation. During the exercise, participants acted as government delegates for their assigned countries to negotiate an international human rights convention and treaty compliance mechanism. This paper represents one participant's conclusions.