
Mark Raymond

Sobey School of Business

Office: Sobey 340
Phone: 902-420-5675
Pronoun preference: d-none

Dr. Mark Raymond is Chair of the Department of Economics in the Sobey School of Business, and is its former Interim Dean and Associate Dean. He obtained his PhD in resource and environmental economics from the University of Guelph in 2001. Mark has completed multiple resource and environmental-based research projects for governments, the private sector, and NGOs. He has published numerous articles in academic journals and has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in economics. Mark’s course list includes fishery economics, natural resource economics, environmental economics, and the global economy. He is also a former Professor of the Year in both the EMBA and MBA programs. Mark has served as an expert witness on several occasions. He is a Senior Fellow with the Fraser Institute and sits on the board of directors of Clean Foundation.

Raymond Mark. "Nova Scotia Wood Heat Initiative - Economic Impact Analysis "
Nova Scotia Innovation Hub (Winter - 2020)
Raymond Mark. "Nova Scotia Wood Heat Initiative - Investment Attraction. "
Nova Scotia Innovation Hub (Fall - 2019)

Ph.D., Economics, University of Guelph, 2001
M.A., Economics, University of Windsor, 1994
B.A., Economics, University of Windsor, 1990