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Small, Alastair and Carola Small (2003) ‘Excavation and Field Survey at Vagnari’, Papers of the British School at Rome 71: 320-322.

Small, Alastair, Volterra, Vito and R.G.V Hancock (2003) ‘New evidence from tile stamps for imperial properties near Gravina, and the topography of imperial estates in South East Italy’,Journal of Roman Archaeology 16: 301-321.

Small, Alastair (2000) ‘La Basilicata nell’età tardo-antica: ricerche archeologiche nella valle del Basentello e a San Giovanni di Ruoti,’ in L’Italia meridionale in età tardo antica, Atti del XXXVIII Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 3 October 1998. Naples: 331-342.

Small, Alastair and Carola Small (eds) 2007 “Excavation in the Roman Cemetery at Vagnari, in the Territory of Gravina in Puglia, 2002″ PBSR 75: Small, A. (ed.) (2010) Vagnari. Il villaggio, l’artigianato, la proprietà imperiale The village, the industries,the imperial property. Insulae Diomediae: Collana di ricerche storiche e archeologiche, 17. Edipuglia: Bari

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