Presidential Search By-laws

The following is the content relevant to the presidential search process in the By-Laws of Saint Mary's University: Section 4 - Article 2 


(5) Composition of Presidential Review Committee

  • The Presidential Review Committee shall consist of the persons required to be appointed to a Presidential Search Committee as specified in subsection 8(b) of this Article 2.
  • The provisions of Article 2(8) shall apply to the Presidential Review Committee and its deliberations with the necessary changes being made.

(6) Report and Recommendation

  • The Presidential Review Committee shall complete its review and make a recommendation to the Board on the President’s request for reappointment within three months of its appointment.
  • Forthwith upon receipt of the recommendation a special Board meeting shall be convened and the recommendation of the Presidential Review Committee shall be accepted or rejected.

(7) Conversion to Presidential Search Committee

  • If the Board does not reappoint the incumbent President for a further term, the Presidential Review Committee shall be automatically constituted as a Presidential Search Committee.

(8) Presidential Search Committee

  • (a) Appointment of Committee
    • (i) The Board may establish a Presidential Search Committee at any time, and shall do so when:
    • (ii) If an incumbent President has not been renewed and no less than 18 months remain in the current term of the President.
  • (b) Members of the Presidential Search Committee
    • (i) The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Board and seven other Governors appointed by the Board, including at least one Vice-President, one faculty member, one student, and one alumnus.
    • (ii) Two faculty members of the Senate chosen by the Senate.
  • (c) Chair and Vice-Chair
    • The Board Chair and Vice-Chair shall be the Chair and Vice-Chair respectively of the Presidential Search Committee. The Chair shall have a vote on all matters coming before the Presidential Search Committee.
  • (d) Disqualification
    • No person may be or continue to be a member of the Committee if that person is or becomes an applicant for the position.
  • (e) Committee Process
    • The Chair of the Presidential Search Committee shall convene the Committee as soon as possible after all members have been appointed.
    • The Committee’s first order of business shall be to determine the process to be followed in searching for a new President.
  • (f) Procedures at meetings
    • Except as otherwise established by the Board, all meetings of the Committee shall be conducted in accordance with the usual rules of parliamentary procedure as set out in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
  • (g) Reporting
    • The Committee shall present a written report to the Board which shall be delivered to the Chair.
    • The report shall recommend one of the applicants for appointment as President or shall state that no qualified candidate was identified by the Committee.
    • This report shall be delivered in sufficient time to permit the University to conduct negotiations with the successful candidate and for the candidate to give notice to his or her current employer with a view of having the new President on campus as soon as practical following termination of the current President’s term.
  • (h) Decision
    • The Board will consider the report of the Presidential Search Committee within one month of its being delivered to the Chair and following such further process, including interview of the candidate, as it deems appropriate, may appoint the recommended applicant as President.

(9) Acting-President

  • When the office of President is vacant, the Board shall appoint an Acting President.