Be sure to check out our faculty-specific sessions to learn what Arts & Environmental Studies, Commerce, Science and Engineering have to offer at Saint Mary’s University. Chat with our knowledgeable professors and Academic Advisors and discover why students choose Saint Mary’s University.
Faculty of Arts & Environmental Studies Sessions
Join Dr. Kirrily Freeman (Director, Outreach and Experiential Learning) to discover more about programs and opportunities in the Faculty of Arts. From innovative majors, minors and certificates to field study opportunities and community engagement, the Faculty of Arts has lots to offer.
Drop in to the SMU Art Gallery and check out our current collaborative andmultisensory exhibition: The New Secret Adventures of Thesis Sahib andFriends.
Explore Difficult HeritageSobeys Inspiration Hub, SH324Time: 12:30 - 12:55
During the Fall Break, SMU Geography and History students exploredWestern European heritage sites associated with the Nazi regime and theSecond World War. Join Dr. Jason Grek-Martin to learn more about theDifficult Heritage Field Course.
Explore Archaeology in ItalySobeys Inspiration Hub, SH324Time: 1:00 - 1:25
Learn about our archaeological digs in Italy. Join Dr. Myles McCallum to hearabout field course opportunities exploring Roman and pre-Roman sites.
Expand Your Horizons in the Faculty of ArtsSobeys Inspiration Hub, SH323Time: 1:30 - 1:55
This informal drop-in session will showcase some of the range ofopportunities for Arts students in research and coursework. Meet some ofour faculty members, advisors, and students and explore our field work,placements, travel opportunities and more.
Words in ActionLoyola Building, L179Time: 1:30 - 1:55
Learn how SMU’s internationally acclaimed Creative Writing faculty helpsstudents bring their work to the world.
Sobey School of Business Sessions
Looking for more than business as usual? The Sobey School of Business offers a contemporary curriculum and the flexibility to design your BComm program. Attend this session to learn more about the program, what to expect in the first year of the BComm program, information on majors, support to help you succeed, and opportunities to get involved through hands on learning. Learn why a Commerce degree at SMU is the right fit for you!
Digital Marketing: Navigating the Modern LandscapeScotiabank Auditorium, Sobey BuildingTime: 12:30 - 12:55
In today’s fast-paced digital world, mastering digital marketing is essential fordriving business success. Join Dr. Eslami to learn more about digital marketing,how to navigate the digital landscape and deliver results while marketing a realimpact in the world of business.
Explore ‘Sustainability Showdown’Sobey Building, SB260Time: 12:30 - 12:55
Whose Footprint Rules?’ Discover your carbon impact, compare with celebs,and get ready to champion sustainability in this engaging session with ourSobey School of Business faculty. Join us to learn why we’re committedto making a positive impact, developing future business leaders and creating amore sustainable world.
Venture Grade: From Classroom to Real-World InvestmentSobey Building, SB260Time: 1:00 - 1:25
Join us for a dynamic 30-minute session exploring how the Venture Gradeprogram at SMU blends classroom learning with hands-on venture capitalexperience. Discover how students from diverse degree programs evaluate realentrepreneurs, make investment decisions, and even compete on the globalstage at the VCIC competition in Boston.
IMPACT Investment FundSobey Building, SB260Time: 1:30 - 1:55
Discover how SMU students are gaining practical, hands-on experienceapplying business theory to real-world investment challenges, with the adviceof practicing investment professionals.Ignite your Ideas: Entrepreneurship at SMU
Entrepreneurship Centre, Sobeys Inspiration HubTime: 1:30 - 2:00Discover how the Entrepreneurship Centre empowers students from allprograms to innovate, build their ideas, and make an impact. Learn how wefoster entrepreneurship on campus and connect students with opportunities inthe community.
Faculty Science Sessions
Why Study Science and Engineering at SMU
McNally Theatre AuditoriumTime: 11:10 - 11:40
Faculty and staff will talk about the key experiences, supports and facilitiesfor students taking a science or engineering degree at SMU, and what setsus apart from other institutions.
Engineering DemonstrationsEngineering Building (Departing from McNally Theatre Auditorium)Time: 11:40 - 12:30
Explore the cutting-edge facilities in Saint Mary’s University’s newEngineering Building during our guided tour and interactive demonstrations.Discover the innovative spaces where students collaborate on real-worldengineering challenges, and learn about the advanced technology shapingthe future of engineering education at SMU.
What Does a Psychologist Do?McNally Theatre AuditoriumTime: 12:30 - 12:55
Dr. Steve Carroll will give a mind-bending tour of the areas of Psychologyspeciality at SMU, plus several visual examples of why you probablyshouldn’t believe some of the things that your brain is trying to convince youare true.
How Earth Records Its long History of Climate ChangeMcNally Theatre AuditoriumTime: 1:00 - 1:25
Dr. Ventura will talk about the mechanisms that cause Earth’s climate tonaturally change over geologic time by showing examples of how geologistsdiscover that history through the examination of ice, rocks and fossils.
Life Around (and Inside) UsMcNally Theatre AuditoriumTime: 1:30 - 1:55
In this mini-lecture Dr. Laura Weir will explore how life exists in unexpectedplaces like the deep sea, dry deserts and our eyelashes.
Chemistry of Climate ChangeMcNally Theatre AuditoriumTime: 2:00 - 2:25
Using visualizations, Dr. Sheppard will explore the chemical processes of thegreenhouse effect and the impact of climate change.
Extra Sessions for the Ultimate Open House Experience
Academic ExpoLoyola Building Conference HallTime: 11:40 - 1:30
Meet with faculty and program representatives, ask questions, anddiscover the academic opportunities that could shape your future at SaintMary’s University.
RefreshmentsAnne J. & Albert T. Isaacs Commons, Loyola BuildingTime: 11:40 - 1:30
Grab a bite of some of the most popular dishes from our campus dininghall to eat while you explore the Academic Expo! Enjoy great food whileyou discover all the exciting academic programs SMU has to offer.
Student Success Sessions
A Parent/Supporters Approach to Supporting the First Year ExperienceSobeys Inspiration Hub, SH325Time: 1:30 - 1:55
Get a sense of the services and programs available to new studentsand why it is important that they engage in them. Provided through theperspective of a parent/supporter of new students.
Student Success SessionSobeys Inspiration Hub, SH325Time: 2:00 - 2:25
Discover student life at SMU from current students. Hear from a panel ofPeer Success Coaches about making the transition to university, how tomeet people and ways to make the most of student life. Success starts
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