Group sessions are offered to help you apply for the following permits:
Sign up for group sessions when you are ready to apply, as the application will be completed during the session.
Register for a group session through Microsoft Bookings. You will need to enter your name, A number, and SMU email address. Group sessions are held on Microsoft Teams.
The International Student Centre offers virtual one-on-one advising appointments.
Immigration Advising
In your 15-minute appointment, our immigration advisor will answer your questions about your study permit, work permit, or visa. If you are ready to apply for your permit or a permit extension, attend the group sessions noted above.
Book an immigration advising appointment through Microsoft Bookings. You will need to enter your name, A number, and SMU email address. Advising sessions are held on Microsoft Teams.
Our international student advisor will answer any other questions, such as the transition to university and Canada, finding housing, or obtaining your identification cards or Social Insurance Number (SIN).
Book an international advising appointment through Microsoft Bookings. You will need to enter your name, A number, and SMU email address. Advising sessions are held on Microsoft Teams.
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