Join us for this engaging online course on Excellence in Member-centric Governance and Management. Designed for seasoned decision-makers and emerging leaders from any sector or type of co-operative, all will benefit from this knowledge-rich course.
This participatory education experience focuses on enhancing your knowledge and building your network. Discuss and debate the many facets of the membership aspect of co-operatives, including people-centred management, ownership and control, and network governance. Grapple with the unique challenges inherent in leading and managing co-operatives while including voice, representation, participation, and engagement of people at the core.
A framework for the co-operative enterprise model sets the stage for the course. It is presented as a ‘puzzle’ (with many component parts). You will explore the macro-pieces of that puzzle and how they fit together, plus identify gaps, weak spots, and areas of strength.
You will discuss the trifecta of purpose, values, and principles coupled with three fundamental properties inherent in co-operatives as peoples’ organizations (people-centred, joint owned and controlled, and democratic).
This course is ambitious in content with the aim of being thought-provoking and action-oriented. Together, we investigate the fundamental and essential aspects of co-operative enterprise as fuel for you to design a fit-for-purpose member-centric governance and management approach for your co-operative.
You are leaders in this sector and we aim to pique your interest, build your knowledge, enhance your community/network, and provide an opportunity for you to think deeply about the organizational model that you are a part of.
Co-operatives need both designed and emergent structures and processes for long-term survival in a complex system. Design provides stability by setting rules and routines, while emergence provides novelty, creativity and flexibility. The complexity of co-operative organizations and their environments demands room for both stability and uncertainty in order to innovate and thrive. It is with this mindset that co-operatives can embrace their transformative potential, and we created this course as an opportunity to explore this with you in a peer-exchange learning setting.
For more context, read Miner, K and Novkovic S. (Fall 2020). Diversity in Governance: A Co-operative Model for Deeper, More Meaningful Impact. Cooperative Business Journal.
Karen Miner, Managing Director of the International Centre for Co-operative Management, Vice-Chair of Co-operatives and Mutuals Canada, researcher and instructor.
Dr. Sonja Novkovic, Co-operative Economist, Academic Director of the International Centre for Co-operative Management, Chair of the International Co-operative Alliance Committee on Co-operative Research, researcher and professor.
Key presentations by Fred Freundlich (LANKI, University of Mondragon) and Erbin Crowell (Master's graduate, Executive Director of the Neighboring Food Co-op Association and Board Member of the National Co-operative Business Association).
There is no course scheduled at this time. If you are interested in an upcoming offering, let us know at
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