Canadian University Application Centre
Saint Mary’s University has partnered with the Canadian University Application Centre since 2008. CUAC supports students applying to SMU from around the world, with offices across Asia, Africa and South America.
Sophisticated Advice: Founded in 1997 with a global team of dedicated, knowledgeable counsellors.
Recruitment Success: Over one thousand students to Saint Mary’s University.
Free services*: Including application processing, expert academic and career counselling, support in scholarship applications, on-campus housing, course selection, arrival logistics and much, much more. CUAC offices guide students to ensure a match with the most suitable SMU program, and then through the entire process right up until arrival on the SMU campus.
*In unusual cases, the student profile may be complex and outside of predictive Canadian study permit requirements. In such cases, a processing fee of up to $CAD 300.00 may apply. Bachelor's degree applicants in high school or who have not spent more than two years after high school without further study, will not be assessed any processing fee. Master's degree applicants will be assessed case-by-case comparing their profiles to those predictive study permit requirements. Any processing paid for this purpose will be deposited into the student’s SMU account once the Study Permit is granted and the student commences full-time study.
Prestige: The only recruitment organization recognized by Canada's national association of universities (Universities Canada) as a superb example of "good practices" in the recruitment of international students.
To connect with CUAC:
- Select your country.
If your country is not listed, click on CANADA (Toronto). Fill out the form you find on the Office page. - Upcoming events
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