Launch Your Career

Three well-dressed students walking together.

Graduates of the Bachelor of Commerce program are highly sought after for their skills and knowledge. We pride ourselves on our supportive alumni family and a network of employers that stretches from around the corner to around the globe.

Whether you dream of a career in corporate finance or starting your own social enterprise, our team will help you forge your own path to success.

Some of our services and programs include:

  • Co-operative education or internships
  • Career direction and exploration
  • Resume and job search support
  • Coffee chats and alumni connections
  • Coaching, interview preparation and networking skills
  • Job searches, career fairs and employer information sessions

EMPLOYMENT OUTCOMES BY INDUSTRY: Financial Services (35.48%) Other (27.96%) Technology (7.53%) Consulting (5.38%) Government (5.38%) Healthcare (4.3%) Retail (4.3%) Education (3.23%) Media / Entertainment (3.23%) Transportation & Logistics (3.23%)


EMPLOYMENT OUTCOMES BY FUNCTION: Accounting / Finance (54.55%) Administrative / Management (18.18%) Operations (11.36%) Information Technology (6.82%) Human Resources (4.55%) Marketing / Promotion (4.55%)