Temporary Accomodations
Temporary accommodations are short-term academic adjustments provided to students who may be experiencing a temporary disability, injury, or medical condition that affects their ability to fully participate in coursework or testing.
Temporary accommodations are short-term academic adjustments provided to students who may be experiencing a temporary disability, injury, or medical condition that affects their ability to fully participate in coursework or testing.
Students who are experiencing a temporary disability, injury, or medical condition that creates barriers to their education may be eligible for temporary accommodations.
Students who do not yet have documentation that meets the Fred Smithers Centre (FSC) Documentation Criteria but can provide documents demonstrating a need for support may also receive temporary accommodations.
Temporary accommodations are intended to support students during a specific period of time and typically expire at the end of a semester or academic year.
Examples of temporary disabilities which may warrant accommodations could include but are not limited to surgery, injury, temporary illness, short-term memory impairments, and other temporary conditions that impact a student's ability to participate in coursework or testing.
Temporary accommodations are issued on a case-by-case basis. Students are encouraged to contact the Fred Smithers Centre to discuss their situation and determine the appropriate support.
Students seeking temporary accommodations should reach out to the Fred Smithers Centre at FredSmithers.Centre@smu.ca to discuss their needs and the steps required to receive support.