Working with the Fred Smithers Centre 

Introduction to Academic Accommodations

The Fred Smithers Centre (FSC) offers continuous intake, allowing students to register for academic accommodations at any point during their studies at Saint Mary’s University, including throughout an academic term. 

To register, students must complete an application form and provide supporting medical documentation. They must also attend an Intake Meeting with an Accessibility Advisor to review their documentation and discuss appropriate accommodations. Once necessary accommodations are determined, the FSC will send an Accommodation Letter to faculty through Accommodate, outlining the student’s required accommodations. Faculty receive only the necessary accommodation details, and specific medical diagnoses or disability information are not shared. 

For more details, please visit the Student Registration page.

Academic accommodations ensure students with disabilities have equal access to education, allowing them to fully participate in coursework and assessments. Faculty can learn more about the types of accommodations available, their responsibilities in implementing them, and best practices for integration by visiting the Academic Accommodations page or downloading the FSC Accommodations Glossary . 

For details on our Testing Centre processes and test/exam accommodations, as well as answers to common faculty questions, please visit our Faculty FAQ page.

Students can register with the Fred Smithers Centre at any time throughout the year, though many choose to register before the academic year begins. 

Accommodation Letters are sent to faculty at the start of each semester. If a student registers with the Centre after the semester begins, faculty will receive an email through Accommodate notifying them of the student’s accommodations.

In addition to self-identifying as having a disability and following the required process for registering with the FSC, student responsibilities can include the following: 

  • Providing current medical documentation and attending required meetings with FSC staff. 
  • Promptly notifying the FSC if their needs or disability status change. 
  • Actively participating in discussions about their accommodations and support needs. 
  • Following Saint Mary’s policies regarding accessibility, including awareness of deadlines for submitting test and exam accommodation requests. 
  • If appropriate, working with Faculty to ensure needs are communicated, including discussing how specific accommodations may apply to their course and requesting alternate format materials in advance. 

By engaging in these responsibilities, students contribute to a smooth and effective accommodation process that supports their academic success. 

The FSC is the first point of contact for students seeking accessibility accommodations. The role of our team can include but is not limited to the following: 

  • Assessing the eligibility of students, including verifying medical documentation 
  • Determining appropriate, relevant academic accommodations based on students’ individual disability circumstances and support needs.
  • Providing timely, accurate information to Faculty pertaining to a students’ required accommodations.
  • Serving as a go-between for Faculty and registered students to ensure Faculty are equipped with the appropriate information and resources to provide an equal access course experience, and to ensure students’ receive the accommodations and supports they require. 


Faculty role in academic accessibility

Faculty play an essential role in ensuring an accessible learning environment for students with disabilities. The Fred Smithers Centre (FSC) is here to support faculty in implementing academic accommodations and promoting inclusive teaching practices. 

Faculty responsibilities include: 

  • Responding to FSC communications, such as emails at the start of each semester regarding student accommodations. 
  • Reviewing student Accommodation Letters through Accommodate, the online platform for managing accommodations.
  • Upholding student confidentiality by handling accommodation-related information with care and discretion. 

If you have questions about accommodations or need guidance on accessibility in your course, the FSC team is happy to provide support. We also encourage faculty to explore the resources on the Fred Smithers Centre website to learn more about fostering an inclusive and equitable learning environment at Saint Mary’s University. 

As of September 2024, The FSC uses the online data platform, Accommodate, for student data management and information sharing. Accommodate is an essential tool for ensuring that accommodations are implemented promptly and efficiently. Faculty can easily access and manage accommodation information for their respective students registered with the FSC. Individual student Accommodation Letters are sent to Faculty directly through Accommodate, and they can use the platform to track and communicate any updates or changes regarding accommodations. Within Accommodate, Faculty can also find a faculty specific resource section offering guidance, tools and information to help create an equal access classroom. Visit the Accommodate log-in page now.

Maintaining confidentiality is essential to protecting students' privacy and fostering a supportive learning environment. Students are not required to disclose the nature of their disability to anyone outside of their assigned Accessibility Advisor. Any disclosure beyond the Fred Smithers Centre is entirely at the student’s discretion. 

Faculty must respect student privacy by ensuring they do not publicly identify an FSC registered student. This includes ensuring accessibility and/or accommodations related discussions take place with discretion outside of classroom, and ensuring not to draw attention to a students’ use of accessibility supports. Upholding these privacy standards helps to create an inclusive and respectful academic environment.

Have other questions or want to connect?

Faculty are encouraged to reach out to the Fred Smithers Centre if they have any questions about FSC registered students, academic accommodations, or need guidance on how to implement accommodations within the framework of their course structure. For additional information, faculty can also check the Faculty FAQ page. We are always available to assist and can be reached at