Faculty FAQ

General FAQs

A student may need academic accommodations to ensure they have equal access to a learning environment due to a disability or condition that affects their ability to fully engage with coursework, assessments or classroom activities. Accommodations are designed to remove barriers and can include adjustments such as extended exam time, notetaking support, lecture recording, alternative formats for course materials and assistive technology.

Faculty will receive an email at the beginning of each semester notifying them if they have any FSC registered students enrolled in their course. This email will include a link to Accommodate, where Faculty can access individual Student accommodation letters detailing the required accommodations the respective student is entitled to. Faculty members are encouraged to check Accommodate periodically to ensure they are kept informed about any updates or changes to students' accommodations. However, if there are major changes in a student’s accommodation or additional students newly registered at the FSC, these updates will also be communicated by email as well.

  1. Login to Accommodate
  2. Click on "Courses,"
  3. Click the respective Course
  4. Click on "Enrolled Students”.  

The Enrolled Students section will provide a list of all students in the respective course. Any students enrolled in the course with approved academic accommodations will have the specific accommodations listed under their name.

Accommodate does not currently have a filtering tool that enables users to display all FSC registered students within a single course list. However, Faculty can follow the steps below to export a class list to Excel and filter the list to display all FSC registered students within a respective course. 

  1. Login to Accommodate
  2. Click on "Courses,"
  3. Choose the Course
  4. Click on "Enrolled Students”. You'll see a list of all the students in your course. Any with approved accommodations will have those listed under their name.  
  5. If you want to export this list as an Excel file click on “More Filters” and select “Approved Accommodations for this Course” and then “Apply Serach”  
  6. Click the Batch Options red button at the top and choose "Save as Excel" 

Maintaining confidentiality involves respecting the privacy of students registered with the Fred Smithers Centre. Faculty should be mindful not to inadvertently or intentionally disclose a student's disability or accommodations with anyone else. Students are not required to disclose the nature of their disability at all outside of the FSC. Always ensure that accommodation information is handled securely and avoid identifying or singling out any students in your class based on their accommodations. Respecting student privacy is essential to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment. 

Common academic accommodations can include but are not limited to extended time for midterms or exams, note-taking support, lecture recording, alternative formats for course materials (such as audio or large print), and access to assistive technologies. Other accommodations may include quiet or private spaces for exams, flexibility with assignment deadlines, or the use of a reader or scribe during assessments. These accommodations are designed to remove barriers and help students fully participate in their academic work.

Accommodations are determined during the student's Intake Appointment with their Accessibility Advisor and are tailored based on the students disability circumstance and their support needs. All accommodations are based on medical documentation provided by the student and any recommendations made by the student's healthcare providers, ensuring they are tailored to meet the student's specific needs and support their academic success. Accommodations are not one size fits all and vary depending on the individual rather than the disability. Accommodations can change or shift over time based on the student's evolving needs, health or other factors.

Accommodations do not impact academic rigor or learning outcomes. They are designed to remove barriers experienced by students with disabilities, ensuring equal access to the learning environment. All students are still expected to meet the formal learning outcomes of their courses. Accommodations cannot change or impact those outcomes but rather should provide the support and flexibility needed for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

A student’s accommodation letter lists all accommodations the student is eligible for, but not all accommodations may be necessary or applicable in every course. Accommodations are based on the student's individual needs rather than by course, so they will likely only use the accommodations that are relevant to each class. If you have questions about how to implement specific accommodations, it's best to reach out to the Fred Smithers Centre for guidance.

If there are concerns about a students’ specific academic accommodations, the first step is to contact the Fred Smithers Centre and discuss any questions or concerns with the student's Accessibility Advisor. Together, we can assess the students’ necessary accommodations and determine if these meet the students’ needs and the requirements of the course, adjusting if necessary. If further discussion is needed, Faculty are encouraged to review the process outlined in the Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities. An informal appeal can be submitted to the Manager of the Fred Smithers Centre for additional discussion. Following this discussion, if the concern remains then a formal appeal can be submitted to the office of the VP Academic and Research. 

It’s important to remember that Saint Mary’s University has a legal duty to accommodate students with disabilities, as outlined by human rights law. The Fred Smithers Centre works closely with Faculty and students to ensure the university meets this duty and provides the necessary support for students. 

If you feel a student may benefit from the support offered by the Fred Smithers Centre, Faculty are encouraged to approach the student in a respectful and confidential manner to inform them about the FSC services. Students can be directed to our website for information, or they can contact us directly via email. Faculty can also reach out on the student's behalf, with their permission, to inquire for more information. We also encourage Faculty to mention the Fred Smithers Centre services to their classes at the beginning of each semester, so students are aware of the resources available to them.

To foster an inclusive classroom environment, focus on creating a culture of respect, understanding, and flexibility. We recommend using Universal Design principles, such as providing materials in multiple formats (e.g., digital, audio), offering clear instructions and consistent expectations, and ensuring that your teaching methods accommodate various learning styles. Encourage open communication by inviting students to discuss their needs in confidence, and be proactive in addressing accessibility concerns.

We have a number of resources available for Faculty and staff for incorporating accessibility considerations into their classrooms and work. Please visit the Accessibility Resources and Guides page to learn more. The Studio for Teaching and Learning also has a variety of resources, guides and information workshops pertaining to accessibility.

The best way to help students with disabilities succeed is to ensure they have access to the accommodations outlined in their Accommodation Letters and be proactive in implementing them into your course. 

Additionally, building an open and supportive relationship with students is essential. Encourage them to communicate their needs and challenges, provide clear instructions, be flexible with deadlines when necessary, and seek opportunities for feedback. Stay connected with the team at the Fred Smithers Centre and The Studio for Teaching and Learning for guidance, and work to create a classroom environment that fosters inclusivity and equal opportunities for all students to thrive.

Testing & Exam FAQs

Common testing accommodations for students may include extended time, a quiet, separate space, or the use of assistive technologies, such as screen readers or voice-to-text software. Other accommodations might involve a reader or scribe to assist with reading or writing, or the provision of frequent breaks during the exam. These accommodations are intended to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed and demonstrate their knowledge in a testing environment. Each student’s testing accommodations will be listed on their accommodation letter.

Not all FSC students write their tests at the FSC Testing Centre. While many students are eligible to use the Testing Centre for tests and final exams based on their accommodations, students may choose to remain with their class to write their tests. This is entirely up to the individual based on their comfort level, whether their accessibility needs are met within the classroom or the assessment being offered in a manner that adequately meets their needs. It should not be assumed that all FSC students will complete their assessments at the Testing Centre and those students should not be automatically directed to leave. Faculty will be notified if a student has submitted an approved request to write at the Testing Centre.

Faculty will receive an email notification when a student has submitted a request to write a test at the Fred Smithers Centre. Students are asked to submit their requests at least 14 days in advance to allow sufficient time for coordination and for the test to be emailed or delivered to our office. However, it's important to keep in mind that students with disabilities may face unforeseen challenges that could impact their ability to meet this deadline. The FSC remains flexible to accommodate these situations, and we appreciate faculty remaining flexible as well.

Students write their tests at the Fred Smithers Centre, which has two designated distraction-reduced testing areas on the 3rd floor of the Student Centre. These areas include private spaces, cubicles, and a classroom setting, providing a variety of environments to meet students' needs.  
During busier periods, such as midterms or final exams, we may need to book additional space across campus. However, these spaces are always diligently checked for accessibility needs, and students are informed well in advance. All testing areas are also invigilated to ensure a fair testing environment.

Faculty are asked to adjust the time limits for any students who have extra time as an academic accommodation. This adjustment should be made at the beginning of the semester in Brightspace. By setting the extended time at the start, the accommodation will automatically apply to all timed assessments throughout the semester.

Providing extra time as an academic accommodation does not give an unfair advantage; rather, it levels the playing field for students with disabilities. Extra time helps ensure that students with certain disabilities, such as those affecting processing speed, focus, or physical limitations, have an equal opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. This accommodation allows them to work at a pace that reflects their abilities, just as other students have the opportunity to take tests under typical conditions.

No, extra time does not apply to take-home exams because the nature of take-home exams already provides built-in flexibility. This format helps to remove the barriers that students might face in a more traditional testing environment, allowing them to manage their time and work at their own pace. Therefore, additional time accommodations are not typically necessary for take-home exams.

Following an email notification that a student is writing at the FSC, faculty can submit a copy of the test for a student’s in-person exam at the Fred Smithers Centre in several ways: by dropping it off in person at the FSC, attaching it via email, or uploading it to the portal on Accommodate. All tests and exam materials are treated with the utmost security and confidentiality.

Faculty can either pick up the student’s completed test from the FSC, or we can arrange to deliver it to your department or office (typically the day after the test). Since different departments may have different arrangements for test drop-off, we encourage you to include any specific drop-off instructions with your test to ensure it is returned to you as needed.

Yes, you can provide special instructions for tests and exams written at the Centre. We aim to provide as much information as possible to ensure the student has what they need to succeed. Additionally, we strive to recreate the testing scenario that their classmates experience, so we encourage you to include any specific instructions or directions along with the test to support a smooth and fair testing process.

The Fred Smithers Centre offers a variety of assistive technology to support students, including speech-to-text and text-to-speech software that functions without an internet connection, ensuring students won’t have access to online materials when using this technology. We also provide MS Word for typing answers, as well as additional resources such as white noise machines, noise-cancelling headphones, sit-stand desks, and more, to create a comfortable and accessible testing environment.

Alongside the dedicated staff at the Fred Smithers Centre, we also employ a number of Saint Mary's University graduate students who are trained in accessible testing, invigilation, and mental health support. These graduate students are highly professional and trusted colleagues of the Centre, ensuring a supportive and secure testing environment for all students. They are skilled in handling various accommodations and are committed to maintaining the integrity of the testing process while offering additional support when needed.

Yes, if you are able and feel it would help a student’s success, we always welcome faculty visitors. Additionally, we ask that faculty provide contact information, such as a phone number or email address, that can be used if a student has any questions or concerns during their test that can be addressed by the professor. This ensures that students have the support they need while maintaining a smooth testing experience.

If you still have questions about tests and exams, we have a dedicated email for testing and exams at the Fred Smithers Centre that is monitored daily. Faculty can reach out to FSCExam@smu.ca, or feel free to call or visit the Centre anytime for further assistance with testing and exam procedures. We’re here to help!