Discover ways to get involved on and off campus while studying at SMU!

The Co-Curricular Recognition program (CCR) allows you to record extracurricular experiences and associated skills on an official, university-verified document. Verified activities will be documented on your experience record, that can be published and shared to showcase your involvement as a Saint Mary's student! 

Additional Information

A Co-Curricular experience is an out-of-classroom learning activity that supports student learning and skill/competency development, specifically surrounding the interpersonal, intellectual, and professional growth of Saint Mary’s University students. 

Students who participate in co-curricular programming: 

  1. Develop employability skills and work-related competencies. 
  2. Further build their resumes and LinkedIn profiles with relevant, meaningful content. 
  3. Are better prepared to answer job interview questions as they can reference their co-curricular experiences when giving evidence of their employment related competencies, skills, and experiences. 
  4. Can develop, or expand, their professional network.  

Activities eligible for CCR are divided into six categories:  

  1. Volunteer: on/off campus volunteering. 
  2. Leadership: certain paid on-campus positions. 
  3. Student Societies: SMUSA ratified societies.   
  4. Sports: varsity, sports clubs, or intramurals.  
  5. Professional & Personal Development: conferences, workshops, training, events, etc.  
  6. Awards & Certificates: non-academic awards/certificates. 

All CCR experiences are validated by one of our verified on-campus and/or community partners. In order to have an experience verified, students must complete the reflection questions, time tracking, and select up to 5 competencies they gained in the experience through the Competency Framework.  

To get involved, you can begin by exploring the CCR Activity Directory on Career360°. Or, book an appointment to discuss options matching your interests through the Career360° CCR Appointments or by emailing