For Saint Mary’s students, there’s no shortage of cultural exposure. Not only are we located in a culture-rich city filled with music, galleries and theatre, but we also added our own on-campus gallery in 1971. The gallery, which was built to National Gallery of Canada Standards, was the first purpose-built university art gallery in Halifax and focuses on contemporary art.
We’re also home to one of the finest pianos in the region. Many regional and international musicians have played concerts and recorded on this beautiful instrument.
The Art Gallery is located on the first floor of the Loyola Building. We are closed in between exhibitions. Please visit our gallery website or our socials (@smugallery) for the most current information on what we are up to.
We have over 2,000 works in our permanent collection, which focuses on contemporary Canadian artists. Some of our most notable pieces are works by Nelly Beveridge Gray. We’re proud to feature her watercolours and rubbings of historic reliefs in Mesoamerica, Europe, and Asia.
Many works from our collection are displayed throughout the campus, including commissioned works by John Greer and Mathew Reichertz. We also show works by a variety of artists associated with the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University (NSCAD), including Gerald Ferguson, Mitchell Wiebe, and Lucy Pullen.
All of our exhibitions and associated programmes receive significant support from the Canada Council for the Arts.
Please go to our squarespace website for current information (link below).
Saint Mary's Art Gallery website
The Saint Mary's University Art Gallery focuses on contemporary art, and features both emerging and established artists.
Our permanent collection contains over 2500 works, including such contemporary artists as Marlene Creates, Peter Dykhuis, Gerald Ferguson, Lorraine Field, Jamelie Hassan, Charlotte Lindgren, Camille Zakharia and Matt Wedel.
Learn more.
The Gallery is located on the 1st floor of the Loyola Academic Complex on the Saint Mary’s University Campus inside the Sobey's HUB at 5907 Gorsebrook Avenue.
Hours of Operation: Tuesday-Sunday 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Mondays
Admission is free. Please see the Exhibitions page for our schedule. The gallery is closed for installation between exhibitions.
General InformationEmail:
Pam CorellAssistant Curator/ Acting Director/CuratorPhone: 902-456-3632 cellEmailPlease email Pam with any questions or concerns about Permanent Collection Works on Campus. At this time we are no longer placing new work on campus, only maintaining what is out on loan.
Mailing addressSaint Mary's University Art Gallery923 Robie StreetHalifax, NSB3H 3C3
Shipping addressuse aboveFacebook: Instagram: @smugallery
All of our exhibitions and associated programmes receive significant support from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Halifax Regional Municipality.
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