Susan Meek, Ph.D.

Susan Meek, Ph.D.

PTFImage3B.Sc. Hons., Acadia University
M.Sc., Acadia University
Ph.D., Queen’s University


I have been teaching part-time at Saint Mary's University since September 2003.  I have taught Biostatistics, both face-to-face and online, Ecology, Evolution and the Behavioural Ecology Labs.

My research has been in the field of behavioural ecology. Past projects include:

  • Resource dispersion, territoriality and mating success in damselflies
  • Parental care, monogamy and mate-guarding in eastern bluebirds
  • Recognition of male song by female white throated sparrows
  • Coloniality and mating strategies in cliff swallows
  • Foraging strategies of hummingbirds
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Department of Biology
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923 Robie Street