Tennis (League)


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Club Executives 2020-2021

Tryout Process

Practice Days and Time

Attendance Policy


League Results

AUTL Game Schedule

Picture Gallery

About Us

The Saint Mary’s University Tennis team is dedicated to performing at The Atlantic Tennis League with all our heart and soul. The club has seen many transformations over the years including the change of leadership in our club. We look forward to welcoming all the Tennis enthusiasts who are willing to play at a competitive level.

Our goal is to make Tennis at Saint Mary’s one of the most popular sports. We promote fitness and health by playing for fun and making it as a recreational sport for the people who love playing.

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Contact Us

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Instagram - @smuhuskiestennis 

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Club Executives 2020-2021

Verma Satyam - President

Shruti Sharma - Vice President

Manav Khera - Secretary 

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Tryout Process

Tryouts usually happen in the 3rd week of September on Gorsebrook courts, but exact dates are out during the 1st week of September. The process consists of one to one play by rallying with a suitable player. Then we determine the qualities by making note of the player’s server, footwork and mental strength. It takes some time to brush your skills and return to play after a long time, but a passion for representing our team is enough to bring the best in you.

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Practice Days and Time

Sundays - 6pm to 8pm.

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Attendance Policy

SMU Tennis members are expected to attend all practices. Our success in the league is dependent on the dedication of our members. If a player do not show up for two or more consecutive practices due to no valid reason shall lead to dismissal from the team.

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The Atlantic University Tennis league consists of three tournaments in the months of November, January and March. The first tournament is held in Truro, which is within the province. The second is held in Fredericton, which is a journey of 2 nights and 3 days. While the players have fun going out of the province and playing, it is also necessary to be focused on the game. The final tournament is held in Bedford. All the teams have to play all three tournaments. The final tournament in Bedford determines which team is going to Rogers Cup for competing at the National level.

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AUTL Facebook page:


Men's Division Finals Result

Saint Mary’s vs UNB

3-0 win 

Saint Mary’s vs Dal

3-0 win

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AUTL Game Schedule

Look Out for the Nationals Schedule

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Picture Gallery



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Contact us
Athletics & Recreation
The Homburg Centre for Health & Wellness
920 Tower Road
Mailing address:
The Homburg Centre for Health & Wellness
923 Robie Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia
B3H 3C3

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