The university is a not-for-profit institution and like other Canadian universities, uses the fund accounting method. Fund accounting separates financial resources into distinct funds that are used for specific purposes or activities.
Saint Mary’s has three fund categories:
The General Fund includes:
The Restricted Fund includes:
The Endowment Fund represents long-term investments and is permanently restricted. Original contributions (the principal) cannot be spent down by the university and earned investment income is devoted to activities specified by donors such as scholarships, bursaries, and endowed chairs.
Our revenues come from a variety of sources: tuition and fees, government grants and external funding.
The 2024 operations of Saint Mary's University produced revenues of $146.9M. Student fees are the largest component of operating revenue. The majority of sales of services and products are also related to students and enrolment, i.e., residence fees, food service and campus store sales.
Operating Fund Revenue – Fiscal Year 2024
The university’s operating budget funds the day-to-day functions of the university. People are our most important resource, so the largest portion goes to salaries and benefits for faculty and staff followed by student financial aid.
Saint Mary's 2024 operations incurred expenses of $145.7M, excluding inter-fund transfers. "Other" includes repairs and maintenance, cost of goods sold, utilities, promotion and student recruitment, interest, materials and supplies, and other operational and combined items.
Operating Fund Expenses – Fiscal Year 2024
Each Fall, budget planning begins, as senior leaders across the university meet in committee to review budget assumptions and determine how funds will be allocated. The Executive Management Group reviews the draft operating budget and then seeks formal approval from the Board of Governors.
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