Budget Committee
For Fiscal Year 2025-2026, a Budget Planning Committee has been established, co-chaired by the Vice-President, Academic and Research (VPAR) and the Vice-President, Finance and Administration (VPFA). See a list of committee members below.
The committee meets to discuss the budget planning, processes and timeline. There are scheduled meetings leading up to the budget approval and ongoing discussions with individual budget owners to focus on strategic requests. The committee is supported by expert staff in Finance Services.
Committee Members:
Ayo Makanjuola
Vice-President, Finance and Administration - Co-Chair
Dr. Madine VanderPlaat
Interim Vice-President, Academic and Research - Co-Chair
Erin Sargeant Greenwood
Vice-President, Advancement and External Affairs
Dan Seneker
Associate Vice-President, Enrolment; University Registrar
Dr. Adam Sarty
Associate Vice-President, Research; Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
Tom Brophy
Associate Vice-President, Student Affairs and Services
Todd Williams
Chief Information Officer, Enterprise Information Technology
Dennis Gillis
Senior Director, Facilities Management
Scott Gray
Director, Athletics and Recreation
Dr. Mary Ingraham
Dean, Faculty of Arts
Dr. Sam Veres
Dean, Faculty of Science
Dr. Michel Delorme
Dean, Sobey School of Business
Suzanne van den Hoogen
University Librarian
Molly Hayes
Manager, Financial Services, Planning and Analysis
Dr. Michael Zhang
Associate Professor, Finance, Information Systems & Management (academic representative)
Dr. Robert Singer
Professor, Chemistry (academic representative)
Dr. Clarissa Sit
Associate Professor; Department Chair, Chemistry (alternate academic representative)
Dr. Rahman Khokhar
Associate Professor; Programme Coordinator, Master of Finance - Finance, Information Systems & Management Science (alternate academic representative)