The town of Genzano di Lucania, population 5,800, is located on a broad plateau in the Upper Bradano Valley. The town, which may originally have been a Roman estate or pagus (rural district) associated with ancient Bantia (Banzi) may have originated in the Late Antique period when Bantia was abandoned. In the eleventh century the town came under the control of the Norman Roberto il Guiscardo, and it remained a feudal possession until 1806. The historical center of the town contains a number of medieval structures, including the remains of the old fortification wall, the Chiesa dell’Annunziata, and the Chiesa di Santa Maria della Platea. The remarkable Fontana della Cavallina, which once graced an Italian postage stamp, sits on the edge of the old town.
The territory of Genzano represents the largest part of the survey zone, and in the center of this territory stands the recently restored and restructured Castello di Monte Serico (, a medieval castle that once stood next to the Via Appia overlooking the Basentello Valley. The hill of Monte Serico also contains remains from the Paleolithic through the Roman Imperial period and has been the focus of archaeological investigations of the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Basilicata under the direction of dott.ssa Ciriello.
Comune di Genzano di Lucania Paesi Online Federico Itinerari dello Stupore
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