There are over 200 scholarships and bursaries that have been established by generous alumni, parents, corporations and other friends of the University. These are referred to as “Named Awards” because they usually have a specific name indicating their source or inspiration.
These awards have different amounts associated with them and different eligibility criteria such as community involvement, extracurricular activities, academic achievement, and/or financial need.g
To be eligible for the awards below, returning students must apply for the Saint Mary's University Undergraduate Scholarships Program. The application is available in early March and the deadline to apply is May 1 of each year. More program information can be found on the Financial Aid & Awards webpage. If you have questions about these awards you can contact Financial Aid & Awards at
1988 Campaign Scholarship for Disabled Students
Adam Hogg Memorial Scholarship
Allister and Josephine Cannon Memorial
Alumni Association Mature Students' Award
Alumni Christian Brothers of Ireland Scholarship
Alumni Jesuit Scholarship
Alumni Leadership Award Trust
Alumni Scholarship Trust
Andrea Peer Memorial Scholarship
Ann M. Power Memorial Scholarship
Anthony Law Scholarship
Archibald Seaman Family Scholarship
Ashwood Scholarship
Austin E. Hayes Memorial Scholarship
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B.F. Calvin DeBaie Memorial Scholarship
Barbara and Henry Reardon Scholarship Trust
Beaverbrook CDN Fdn Accessibility Scholarship Fund
Benoit Ouellette Cartography Prize
Bernard "Bun" Mulcahy Memorial
Beta Sigma Phi Scholarship
Beth Medjuck-Benjamin Marketing Scholarship
Bob Dauphinee Scholarship
Bob Hayes Football Scholarship
Bob Thorpe Memorial Scholarship
Bruce S Oland Scholarship
Bryan J. Rice Award for Excellence in Student Governance
Campbell, Dr. John Scholarship
Carroll Estate, Dr James J
Charlie Sardo Memorial Award
Chrysler Canada Scholarship
Cleary Family Scholarship Fund
Clinical Psychology Award
Colonel Sidney C Oland Scholarship
Danai Spiropoulos Scholarship
Daniel Fogarty Scholarship
David G. Smith Memorial Award
David White Memorial Award
Dick MacLean Leadership Award
Dr. Hermann F. Schwind Award
Dr. John C.O'C. Young Scholarship
Dr. Patricia Bradshaw Student Competition Enhancement Fund
Economics and Finance Excellence Award
Edmund Morris Memorial Scholarship
Edwin C. Harris Tax Prize
Eleanor M Florian Scholarship
Enid R. Halley Memorial Scholarship
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Faculty of Commerce Minority Scholarship
Everett Flemming Scholarship
Father Belair, S.J. Scholarship for Part Time Students
Faraaz Ayaaz Hossain Leadership Recognition Award
Fr. J.J. Hennessey, S. J. Memorial Trust
Franco Gaudio Leadership (WRBCS) Award
Frank & Louise Donahoe Family Scholarship
Frank Baldwin Scholarship Fund
Frank Bowes Memorial Award
Fred Smithers Undergraduate Scholarship
Gareth Akerman Memorial Scholarship
Geraldine Thomas Classics Award
H. Norman Stanbury Scholarship
Halifax Longshoremen's Scholarship
Handyside Ethical & Social Responsibility Award
The focus of the paper, case or project must be on ethical and social responsibility in a non-profit or for-profit organization. It must address the “real” issues facing a business, charity or community group and the topic will have to be of benefit to the community or organization.
Papers may be submitted from previous or current Saint Mary’s courses and topics may include: cause-related marketing, sponsorship, social marketing, non-profit management, community development, non-profit/ corporate partnerships, venture philanthropy, environmental issues, donor/donation trend analysis and service learning projects.
A panel determined by the Dean of the Sobey School of Business will judge entries. All applicants must agree to allow their paper/case or project to be made available as a resource to the public via the Saint Mary’s University website and library.
Harold Beazley Memorial Scholarship
Harry and Lily Rutte Award for Spirituality and the Workplace
Harry Woods Memorial Scholarship
Jack Ginsburg Memorial Scholarship
James E Donahue Memorial Scholarship
Jamil Karam Scholarship Trust
Jane Shaw Law Scholarship
Jean Monahan Scholarship (SMUFWA)
John & Pearl Pool Memorial Scholarship
John Glenister Memorial Scholarship
John R Levins Memorial Trust
Jorge Gonzalez Scholarship
Joseph Edmund Donahue Scholarship
Joyce Elizabeth Marshall Hsia Poetry Award
Kathleen Shaw Hearing Impaired Student Endowment
Dr. Brij M . Kapoor Memorial Award
Kenneth & Elizabeth Ozmon Family Scholarship
Kevin Bonnycastle Memorial Award
Killam Properties Inc. Scholarship
Kimberley-Clark Scholarship
L'Ainee Duncan Egyptoplogical Scholarship
Larry Corrigan Athletic Endowment
Leonard T. Rambeau Scholarship
Linguistics Scholarship
Lori Mahen Scholarship Fund
Margo Marshall Scholarship
Margo Marshall Prize for Excellence in Short Story Writing
Marguerite Hinman Scholarship & Bursary
Marguerite, Joseph & Charles Hinman Memorial Award
Marjorie Hayes Scholarship
Mark Otto Haenlein Memorial Award
Mary Ann and Edward J McBride Law Prize
Mary C Daley Scholarship
Mildred Harrington Scholarship (SMUFWA)
Monsignor Richard Murphy Scholarship
Montreal Women's Memorial Scholarship
Murray Pritchard Memorial Award for Halifax Navy League Branch
MT&T Computing Science & Business Administration Scholarship
Nelly Beveridge Gray Memorial Scholarship
Nick Walsh Memorial Scholarship
OPTAMUS Scholarship
Owen J Hayes & Mary C Hayes Scholarship
Patrick Power Scholarship in Memory of Terence R.B. Donahoe
Perrier Family Scholarship
Peter O'Connor Scholarship
Prince John Loewenstein Scholarship
Regis College Prize
Reardon Family Scholarship Trust
Rev. Michael O'Donnell Memorial Scholarship
Robert Hayes Memorial Scholarship
Robert Thorpe Memorial Scholarship
Ronald A. Lewis Scholarship
Roy Clements Varsity Soccer Scholarship
Dr. James Ryan Engineering Scholarship
S.M.U.S.U. Scholarship Fund
Saint Mary's Faculty Womens' Assoc. (SMUFWA) Book Award
Samuel H. Jopling Scholarship
SNC & Lavalin Engineering Scholarship
Student Services Scholarship
Thomas J. Keleher Memorial Scholarship
Thomas L. Trainor Memorial
Timothy I. Miller Memorial Scholarship
Turning Points in Leadership Award
Veronica Aloyse Corbett Memorial Scholarship
Vern Creighton Award
William Chisholm Scholarship
William J Dalton Memorial Scholarship
William N Duggan Memorial Scholarship
Women's Studies Program
To be eligible for the awards above, returning students must apply for the Saint Mary's University Named Undergraduate Awards. The application is available in early March and the deadline to apply is May 1 of each year. More program information can be found on the Financial Aid & Awards webpage. If you have questions about these awards you can contact Financial Aid & Awards at
Barbara Flanders Goldberg Memorial Bursary
Bernard Zwicker Memorial Bursary
Birks Family Foundation Bursary
Caribbean Student Success Fund
Carol and Colin Dodds Family Bursary
Coy Family Bursary
David Leitch Bursary
Deraldlyn Yeazel Bursary
Donnie Jackson Bursary
Elaine Leventhal Memorial Bursaries
Elizabeth Dunsworth Durdle Bursary
Fr. Frederick J Lynch, S.J. Bursary
Friends of Saint Mary's Bursary
Gary W. Richardson Memorial Bursary
Gerald P. Flavin Memorial Bursary
Gertrude Deveau Memorial Bursary
Gertrude M. Pitcher Bursary
J.W. Gillis Memorial Bursary
John R. (Bud) Walker Memorial Bursary
Joseph & Charles Hinman Memorial Bursary
Joyce Family Foundation Opportunities Bursary
Joy Estate Trust Bursary
Margaret M. & James E. Britten Memorial Bursary
Maria Nahrebeckey Bursary
Maritime Broadcasting System Awards
McCurdy Printing Bursary
McInnes Cooper Bursary
Michael Kelly Memorial Bursary
Pur Lin Bursary
Robert James Macpherson Memorial Bursary
Rebecca Cohn Memorial Bursary
Resolutes Amateur Athletic Club Bursary
Reverend Edward Grant Bursary
Reuben & Helen Hornstein Bursary
Richard and Nancy Flynn Undergraduate Bursary
Dr. Richard Homburg Bursary in Entrepreneurship
Robert James MacPherson Memorial Bursary
Saint Mary's High School Alumni Bursary
Samuel and Mary Butler Memorial Bursary
Sargeant Greenwood Family Bursary
Stephen Telfer Bursary
Dr. Sastry Vankamamidi Family Bursary
Suseela Vankamamidi Family Bursary
TD Bursary
TD Meloche Monnex Bursary for Students with Disabilities
Timothy P. Hines Memorial Bursary
VII Pan American Wheelchair Games Bursary
Wayne Myers Memorial Bursary
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